good love how hypocritical P.E.T.A. is



meh. peta is kind of weird. I don’t align myself with them. However, i think that some of their ideas are well intentioned.

That show, clearly, is geared toward macho, beer swilling, ignorant men. A lot of the quotes appear to be taken out of context.

actually the show is geared towards pointing out the stupidity of the american public and they do a pretty good job of it.

either way this macho, beer swilling, ignorant man understands Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” and i have no shame killing other species, because thats what i’m supposed to do.

I we aren’t supposed to eat the animals they shouldn’t taste so good.


The part about the insulin and the diabetic lady is the best. They should just take that away from her and let her slip into a coma and die.

Its sad that some people care more about an animals life than a humans…

Sure. Burning flesh tastes lovely. This is why we flavor meat with tomato, garlic, onion, olive oil, etc.

PETA is a bunch of junk. There is very little “ethical” about them, and it’s sad that they overshadow groups such as PSYETA. PETA pays people to publish their articles so that they won’t be deemed crap on the premise of having PETA across the top.

“Animal research is unscientific” well now there’s a load of crap. While a lot of testing is fairly bogus (hello, hanging rats from their tails to see if a substance provides any anti-depressant properties=not very conclusive), much of what we learn is through animal research. And the amount of animals that die through research is far less than the amount we consume OR kill out of our own negligence. It’s a conflict of interest for many, many researchers, but one that is accepted if we are to find out more about life in general (animal research is beneficial to animals as well…argh).


That would make a great license plate

PETA = Terrorists

The FBI keeps a close eye on them at least…

Agreed, they need to stop being so tasty.

After watching that video, all I want to do is load up my gun and go kill animals…

Sure does. Nothing like a nice big sirloin, tossed on the grill, medium rare. :slight_smile:

That was a good night…

Genny Light and sticking your hand down your pants… Well played.

Yeah…Hunting is essential to the environment and the ecosystem…poeple are to obsessed with this Disney idea that animals are all friendly and will eat out of your hand.

I get pissed thinking about all the people who donate money to PETA thinking that it’s going to a good cause. Give it to the SPCA instead if you want to help animals.

Actually… We poached wolves which posed little threat to humans and controlled the deer population better than any man with a gun could imagine.

Yet another anti hunting fallacy. Look at Australia for example. They banned public firearms and even hunting and now their rabbit population is through the roof. That is why there are seasons and limits to how much you can take and when. it stimulates the ecology of the environment.

Jim gets -1 point taken away for using the George Foreman… Other than that, Outstanding!!