eating meat = better sex :tup: lol

lmao… funny stuff :lol:

i better just get onboard now…

the g/f will not be allowed to go vegan… thats final…

bahahaahahahahaaaaaaa. ha.
that explains it.

Explains what?

hmmmm… so all those years of making weight by eating salad and oranges killed my sexual power… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa… I am off bite the jugular out of a live cow now. :eek:

good question…

I just started eating meat again last week.
:tup: I <3 dead birdies.

So your penis doesn’t sag anymore?


and her balls are swelling from all the testosterone?

yes, my penis and balls are in great condition once again.


That’s damned good to know.

lol sucks for all the Emo’s

edit- if that article wasnt fake

When asked what implications these findings may have for women’s sex drives, Dr. Love explained that “Women don’t really matter anyway. Most of the time, they just lie there, after all.”

hahaha :tup: