Guitar Hero High Score Thread

That must be one sturdy pick?

nope just regular.

Got GH3 as my first GH game and have been playing a total of about probably 20 hours.

i beat easy and medium, want to perfect medium before i go hard.

I have trouble with split double notes, and im pretty sure my pinky cant go orange yet.

ive played real guitar, havent played since college though.


nytmair > *

post showing I’m better than skrapper in 10 mins…

I also beat TTFAF, but with a shitty score. But hey, it’s hard! haha

So there’s my scores as of now. I’m pretty confident I could go through and increase every score if I took the time to, but who knows.

Oh and P.S. I fucking hate raining blood!

im currently stuck on miss murder on hard :frowning:

bwahahaha nytmair, you come out of your hole just to pwn me. I have been constantly checking this thread waiting for you, kinda like how I would edge out one of your top scores on Xbox live an the next day I would check it and you would jump up enough to put me in my place.

Dan, do you play the real guitar?..and if you had so much trouble even beating raining blood…why did you 4 star it…it took you way longer than me to beat it, then when you did, you destroyed me. you confuse me to hell and back…but def madd crazy props to your astonishing gh skillz…have you been playing since the original gh?

100% cliffs of Dover, on expert! jesus chirst

ok now wtf

95% on expert at 9 years old

Kid will blow his brains out by age 15.

I do own a real guitar and can semi-play it (i used to take lessons, and can still play some stuff here and there, but I’m not good at all haha).

I’ve only been playing guitar hero since GH2 came out on 360, and I had never played it till then.

Oh about raining blood, the only reason it took me so damn long was becuase I just couldn’t get Mosh 1. Then one night I took the song into practice and went through the sections real quick and that helped my score jump a bit (getting me 4*). I still havn’t gone back to try and get 5* on it, though I really want to soon since then I’ll 5* all the main set list on expert.

I’ve been addicted to Rock Band guitar lately though so who knows when I’ll get around to Raining Blood.

Rivalries are fun though so if anyone wants to have like a score war on here maybe? That might be cool.

ugh… I three starred raining blood and haven’t played it since… I seriously hate it!

I love slayer… but this game totally ruined it. for me.

Have you been able to beat devil went down to georgia?

dude. rock band > guitar hero.

except the guitar hero guitars are far better. the rock band guitar fucking blows. the drums are sooooo fun. last night i was singing AND guitar playing on hard. i fucking rocked my face off

beast made an appearance performing as don henley aka singing and playing drums, i know the eagles blow

three kings is a cool song. i got 215xxx on jonas online …that was my highest score of any song on hard

No I havnt beaten that. Of course I havnt really tried more than a couple times.

You can’t use the GH guitars for Rock Band on PS3 yet. If that ever becomes possible I will buy Rock Band. Until then I won’t buy it because the Rock Band guitars are garbage and I’ve read on-line that a couple hundred people so far say their strum down breaks.

The first time i played it I failed instantly lol… I didn’t know how fast you had to pick it was out of this world fast lol

^haha yeah… there’s some insane stuff in that song.