have attorney quick update page 4

thanks buddy. for some reason its invalid joke

he tried beating me up, i hit him in the nuts, called the cops and ran now am pressing charges im jk, good luck

Did you actually sell crack to children?

In all seriousness, I hope whatever it is works out man.

city/state: BOSTON, NY
name: ATTEA and ATTEA, A @ L


ill do it…pay for my gas to drive back to buffalo

Any lawyer will likely do, he didn’t do what they said he did.

cant believe no one has said it.

1 800 JOES DAD

what did he do

it wasnt a dwi,and it wasnt for sexual assault. iam not going to post it here because1 my horrible spelling will be mocked. 2 people are just going to say i did it. so i just want a lawyer thats it.

A defense attorney is not just a defense attorney. You need to filter your results out based on what the issue is. Is it a business law issue, is it personal injury, is it a civil charge/law suit, is it a criminal matter. Different people practice different parts of the law. I for one know a great defense attorney, however she only practices in the business sector as defense for corporations that are being sued by clients/patrons Ie. Slip and fall cases.

yeah. Joe, your best bet is to spill the beans on at least some details so we can get a better idea of the type of representation you need…

yeah. Joe, your best bet is to spill the beans on at least some details so we can get a better idea of the type of representation you need…

sorry its criminal

hahaah wow

Guess I hit submit a few too many times

In that case you really need to go find a criminal defense attorney. Again they have specialties, DWI, Assault, etc… try www.findlaw.com

EDIT: Nevermind, while I was searching you posted it was criminal and I was posting recommended traffic lawyers.

My previous employer is trying to say I falsified documents to steal money and I didn’t.

john liberti? i just remembered his commercials… lol

Sorry, I don’t know any criminal attorneys.

ouch good luck joe.