Need a lawyer

Tonight an inncident happened where I protected myself in self defense and apartenly I may be brought up on charges so I need a lawyer on hand.


get Lotempio youll be all set

Jeff Abate in Orchard Park was my lawyer. Highly recommended.

Can you PM me numbers?

I have to go to the police station tomorrow morning. The detective said that I don’t need a lawyer and I will be free to go tomorrow but I would like to have one just in case. I have a clean record so hopefully that helps.

Do NOT listen to the detective, and have a lawyer with you.

I hate pussies. Had something similar happen to me awhile ago. This person AGREED to “take it outside”, then tried pressing charges after he got thrown to the ground without any visual injuries. I had a clean record, no lawyer, and the judge dropped the case immediatley.

+1. Anything more serious than traffic violations = no talking to police without a lawyer.

I had this happen to me as well. Went to court(with my lawyer Pat Wesp) told them exactly what happened and was gone in 5 minutes. Judge didn’t feel bad for someone for starting a fight then getting his face smashed in I guess. :slight_smile:

Ya. I am waiting to file a complaint with the department about the mannerisms of the officers last night until this gets resolved.

Both the lieutenant and the officers were complete assholes. I explained everything that happened and how I simply knocked on the guys window and asked him not to park so close to the vehicles becuase I could not get into my car and the officers told me I was wrong for knocking yet, if I hit his car with my door I would be responsible for the vehicle accident and to “climb in my trunk” to get into my car.

+3 dont beleive a friggen thing they say

He said he needs a statement and I will be out of there in 30 min. I told them my story last night and also this morning when he asked. He just needs a written one. My story has not changed so hopefully I am still ok.



Relax guys, it’s not like he’s being questioned about a murder or some serious shit. It’s the detectives job to get a statement from you regarding the inncident, they aren’t gonna throw you in jail or pull off some crazy shit. I went through the same situation once before, an Amherst detective kept trying to get ahold of me and I eventually just drove to the station after work, gave him my side of the story and left. Then the court date came and it got dropped and I laughed.

If you go there, you’re getting arrested. Just so you know.


Relax dude, people are just giving him some tips and advice on how to deal with the situation.


Wait what?

He said he just needs a statement and I will be on my way. Its up to the DA to decide if I want to be charged and go to court.

They could actually arrest me tomorrow and hold me? That no legal council is a lie. They are going to actually arrest you when you get there. Then pending the matter you may need to be bailed out. Lawyers will pay bail.

Well, you didn’t fully explain the crime, so it depends. If the other guy is filing charges or anything, yes.