Ya i was thinking the same thing :confused:, it will be so funny when they cant see and crash off the road or better yet hit you haha…won’t it??

Yo Tutor just get a better kit, I dont think 12,000k is suppose to look like that and get better H4 housing.

Hey Doorz, ya you, you know who you are, that guy with the 12 000K High Intensity Discharge lights.

I just heard a rumor at school.

It was about you!

I bet you want to know what it was!

Well I shouldn’t tell you, well maybe I should.


Nah I can’t hide it from you.

It said;

“Doorz is a ricer!

dude… why are you being so harsh to the guy man

no need to be bashing on someone for a first time installation…he now knows its bad from what everyone has been saying and will try and fix it…if anyone has anything that is actually useful information for him then post

Man, I totally do not like being blinded when I drive.

I don’t know about you guys, but it is not my “cup of tea”.

Alright I see many threads on this board that I just can’t even be bothered in responding to but this one I had to for your own personal safety.

These lights that you purchased however bright they are are not safe for the roads. When doing any kind of modifications to the lighting there are many other things that need to be considered when doing such a conversion. I am no expert on this however there are many of the older members on here that know how to do this properly.

You may think it looks great how bright they are however if you look at the beam pattern it is all over the place. I don’t want to put your set up down however this will cause at least 2 problems that I can see.

  1. Someone gets blinded by these lights when your making a slight right turn on a bend and they hit you. If this occurs an accident report will follow and the cops will go crazy on you. They will deem them aftermarket and the case no matter who is actually at fault it will inevitably come back on your lap.

  2. As stated earlier a cop drives by you blind him and then all that money that you saved by not doing it properly will be spent on tickets.

Like I said prior I don’t care which way you go but the last thing I need to see is a report of some 240 driver causing a head on and dying. May seem harsh but after reading the write up on the M5 owner you never know.

Hope that helps


Is this guy retarded. “Better them then you” Yeah lol when the front bumper of the blinded guy is sitting in your windshield. Common sense people

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i personally like them. my eyes aren’t that good so i sometimes struggle driving at night. those lights would really help me out, but i do agree what most of these guys here are saying. cars on front of you might get blinded by those, but it’s better them than you. lol.

i’m thinking of installing those my self, we’ll see…

the kit itself was not bad, i believe it might have been the housing…maybe projectors would have been better
but for now what is the best thing to do?

you need some bosch or hella housing headlights…
those WILL blind oncoming traffic and get you in trouble. how do i know?
because my friend had pretty much the same set up as you and he blinded oncoming police car and guess what the cop did!
he turned around and pulled him over. first thing he asked was “are you trying to blind someone”

i’ve said it on here a bunch of times. im tired of repeating myself. some of the reasoning behind it gets pretty intense and i don’t feel like going over the physics of automotive lighting every time someone slaps an ebay kit on their car. whether it’s because they think it’s baller or because they just didn’t know better…

the long and short of it is:

a) 12,000K is wayyy too fucking blue. blue is THE worst hue of light you could possibly use. it has a shorter wavelength and therefore scatters around causing massive glare. there is a reason OEMs stick with 4300K. everyone else should too.

b) an HID capsule remade to fit an H4 (or any other) housing is always a compromise. when you use the cheapest ebay H4 housing there is, the problem is magnified. H4 headlight housings (even the best ones from companies like Cibié and Hella) were designed for HALOGEN bulbs, not for HID capsules. it’s possible to minimize glare and achieve a halfway decent beam pattern with the help of shields and quality housings-- but it’s still a compromise.

c) there are two ways of doing HIDs properly:

i) doing an OEM retrofit, using the projector assembly and HID capsule (D2S for projector beam lamps, D2R for reflector lamps) from another car and inserting it into your existing headlamp. unless you are molding the whole headlamp from another car, projectors are your only option. this is complicated on 240s with popups because you need to get a housing that has a clear flat lens, and those are usually ebay crap. aiming the projector properly is also a challenge.

ii) buying an aftermarket HID projector kit and retrofitting it as above

e.g. this 90mm Hella piece.

if you can’t afford the real deal, don’t pose.

not only do cheap HID kits WORSEN your visibility (specially the 12,000K ones), they are a real pain in the ass (some might say even a danger) to other drivers.

there, DarkManX, happy? did that do anything? do you think people will now all of a sudden spend a thousand dollars on doing this shit properly when they can get the satisfaction of HID wannabe baller-ness for $200?

i wouldn’t count on it

Speed Demon, how about these housings?


does any 1 have a pair of projectors that are willing to sell for an s13 or a good place where i can buy them for relatively cheap…or should i just stick to ebay?

Its your car man. Do as you wish with it. Its great to get the opinion of others and all, but you have to take into consideration that bias can easily be displayed through advice or information that is given, especially when its coming from a variety of sources.

If you think that the lighting you have from your hid kit is alright, its fine.

At the end of the day, its your car and no one else’s.

Dumb It Down.

thx for now i guess ill keep like this for sure ill try to fix them so they dont bother other drivers but right now im on a short budget


you already “dumbed it down” for us nicely, thanks . this isn’t like a paint colour or body kit style… lighting isn’t some kind of aesthetic preference. “if it looks alright to you, it’s fine”. wtf? that’s retarded.
the road is shared with other people… using it is a privilege, not a right. blinding other drivers because someone can’t afford a proper HID retrofit is annoying and dangerous.

at the end of the day, it’s time to stop acting retarded.

Dumb it Down? WTF does that mean?

It’s sad but this is what the world is coming to. Who cares about anyone else, as long as you are satisfied, doing what you want regardless of the consequences, screw em all right?! Great attitude I hope it gets you far in life… What a pathetic world we live in.

And Doorz I think all of us knew you were going to keep these in regardless of our opinions. Im hoping the “biased” information here will persuade others to run the proper lights or dont do the mod at all.

honestly my eyes hurt now.i would hate to see you coming toward me on the other side of the road. i have a really good feeling that you are gonna piss off everyone that crosses you.

on another note. I honestly don’t see why everyone wants HID on their cars. and none of them do it right. i mean if you have a hard time seeing at night why not just get some brighter sylvannia bulbs since you want a cheap alternative or you can get yourself a set of glasses that shit works they make em for a reason.

Peter, what you don’t understand is that everyone is pretty much buying these lights for the “HID” look, especially for that “blue tint”. It’s all for looks.

But when asked, they will claim that it will help them see better even when it doesn’t.

I don’t think they care too much about whether it will blind people or about having it properly done.

Trust me Mark I understand, thats why Im enraged about it. This is one of my biggest pet peeves on the road. I cant stand the ignorance. Even people with newer cars will leave their high beams on. I make it a point to high beam anyone with lights that blind but I guess road manners are a lost cause these days.