Hybridynamics n' Pittspeed DYNO DAY 2!

bahh… bailers thats no fun, ill be seeing you tomorrow! cannot wait.

i am pumped for tomorrow… i am bringing my special potato salad!!!

i’ll toss it for u!

Is there anything I can bring? If so let me know and I’ll go to the 'iggle today :slight_smile:

ask eric… I think chef Keely is tearing it up again this year!

ohh man… you guys are making me hungry… if i remember ill bring a bag of chips to feed the need.

i have to work to 4:30 on saturdays now :frowning:

Dude this thing starts at 10am :smiley: I am sure you could make it to work on time :slight_smile: :dunno:

Fuck. I don’t think I can make it. I blew the welds on my intake (literally.)

I cracked the number 4 runner on the intake manifold where the runner meets the plenum, and unless I can manage to get the stocker back on by tomorrow morning, I won’t be there.

So, no guarantees, but I’m going to try.

no i start at 8 lol and end at 430

Sucks for you…JK…:slight_smile:

Really lookin forward to meeting everyone tomorrow! w00t~! 9am roll call at miracle mile I’ll be there w/ the Z :cool:

Damn, 9AM, I will see all tomorrow.

be at the mile at 9 leaving no later then 9:30am. ill either be in a white saab or a black jetta. (got to bring the mobile tranportation bringing like 5 people)

What time are the dyno sessions running til? I managed to get the car together, but I need to drop the drivetrain stuff and tune some if I head out tomorrow.

ahhh 430 am…been doing some partying but i’ll be there

sucks its gonna rain tho

stupid rain…wtf…might have to put on my salad shooters

we are down here now… dyno is spinning!

Eric has a mean spread of food and drink, so everybody better get there asses down here!

  • whitey

im at work boooo :frowning:

good luck everyone
burnyd and camaro crazy on their way down now.