If NYspeed had a boardroom meeting..

Some swearing in it :


:clap: funny stuff :smiley:


Fucking-A, that absolutely rulez!!!

:thankyou: its made even funnier, because thats just how all of us fuckers act on this board :biglaugh:








HAHAHa i laughed too

“read it”


lol. funny shit.

haha, good laugh.:tup:

it’s gay … the Simpson’s already did a show like this

“cant my dick say anything without your vagina turning it into me fucking you alot?”

hahhaha best line everrrr

lmfao so funny :lol:



Good find I will watch that many more times in the weeks to come while I am at work.


“i think we should discuss your tits” /thread

it was all pretty funny but i honestly bursted out laughing for the " FIRST… FUCK" at the end