Jonbenet's alleged killer extradited

A former schoolteacher was arrested Wednesday in Thailand in the slaying of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey – a surprise breakthrough in a lurid, decade-old murder mystery that had cast a cloud of suspicion over her parents.

I don’t know how many people will be interested, but I used to be obsessed with this case.

We’ll see how this pans out.

For more background and current info:

“Some guy in Thailand”

I think Gary Condit and O.J. Simpson have been looking fo rthis guy too…

and even funnier is that the wikpedia page has already been updated (see Trivia at the bottom):’_Very_Own_Episode

Her brother moved to Thailand and became a teacher?

weren’t we supposed to research it in Forensics senior year? then somehow we ended up with…the mad butcher haha

good read im glad to see this scumbag was finally caught


I did do this case, and for a final at Buffstate too. I’m really curious about this.

They’re only getting started but Karr, hate to say it, fits.

Anyone see Boulder’s DA speech?


and…thanks i wanted to post this:

Well, considering the guy confessed, and has continued to confess in front of the news cameras, I don’t think there is much doubt anymore.

Too bad the mother died before this happened. I guess she knew they were closing in on this guy before that happened though.

True, true.

But… Confessions won’t always get you locked up with out a solid case.


i dont really believe he did it

Well, the fox news article said they had DNA evidence from under her finger nails and underwear that they never matched to anyone. Assuming it’s a match to him, game over.

it sounds shady to me also, but they found him in the kidtouching capitol of the world so that lowers his credibility IMP

while I’m glad the killer was caught and stuff…why is this news? Shit, why was her murder NATIONAL news? she’s been dead longer than she was old…

Its national news because it was

-a child murder/possible rape
-extremely confusing case, leading no where
-family as major suspects
-showed how crazy parents can be
-went unsolved for years
-now coming close to an end.

Hell, this is better news than half the crap aired.

Why was Damher, OJ, Tate…ect national?

OJ - was a celebrity (football player/actor)

as for the others…idk…

No, it was because she was a pretty white girl.

Same as all the other cases that grabbed national attention.

^ oh…didn’t think about it that way. WHY ISN’T IT GETTING MORE COVERAGE!!! :mad:

I don’t believe it either. He just sounds like a sick pedophile that wanted to hook up with her.

I don’t know why you guys don’t think this should be on the news? And yeah fairgentZ if you want to play race cards, I agree if it was someone else, it wouldn’t have nearly the coverage as this case. Which is sad. Seriously.

The fact is, this IS an important case. Thats the bottom line. Some one killed a little girl and has been walking around for a decade.

Not to mention with new advancements this can be laid to rest and someone who deserves to be put a way will.

And yeah, OJ was a star, big deal, I forgot people care more about celebs than innocent children, controled by horrible parents. Your guys logic sucks.

I’m not playing the race card, the media is.