
They have taken a suspect in the JonBenet Case after 10 years of searching…

If you were the parent, what would you want to see happen? Would there ever be justice served in your eyes.

Its going to get ugly if this guy really did do it…

we were just talking about that…

““He said he loved this child, that he was in love her. He said she was very pretty, a pageant queen. She was the school star, she was very cute and sweet,” Suwat said.”

that’s pretty sick… wasn’t she like fucking 4 years old ???

Why on earth would you openly admit something like that after 10 years? Finally guilt got the best of him??

Stupid… I’m tired of hearing about JonBenet, Princess Diana, Scott whatever his name was that killed his pregnant wife, etc. Everything is so drawn out and dramatic. Let the family move on with their damn lives.

6 i think but still the same…

dude has some serious mental disorders. does colorado have a death penalty cause if they do he migh be getting it.

thats a touchy subject… I would say NO justice was not served in my eyes.

He admited it after he was arrested… for the murder…

He didnt willingly go to the police and tell them until after they knew something about him.

child porn charges and hiding in a shithole and he used to be a teacher!!!

what the fuck

he isnt even back in the country yet… so justice hasnt had a chance yet…

but im with you- i dont think after 10 years of the parents being accused by the media, that they could ever take that back the pain of not only losing their daughter but being blamed for the murder, rape, and ransom note…

I know you might not care… but in all of these situations it ‘could have been you or me’.

Thats what makes it scary… the guy was a school teacher, the parents barely even knew him! I havent heard of Princess in years… so whatever. Also, Scott whatever his name was could have been your husband… I’m sure she didnt even see it coming…

its a sad world…

I say give the dad 10 minutes alone in a room with that fucker and if he is still alive, put him on trial. If he’s not alive then I’d say justice was served.

screw that…send him to supermax for life and leave him in solitary…that would be justice.

kill him

Cant rule out the dad and his brother.

  • Ruled a Kidnapping, All but ONE officer left. after hours of searching house
  • dad Found the body with brother hours after reporting it.
  • dad Moved the body upstairs - 1 female officer upstairs.

this current dude is a wacko to begin with. off with his dick

the fuck it would

then our tax paying ass would have to pay for his ass…

two bullets one gun given to her father he would need two cause the shock of him shooting someone prob wouldent be the dead on shot he would want

after he got ovr the first inital pull of the trigger and the frist shot the second would be his justice shot…

sorry sounds sick but the human mind think like that when placed in a sitituation like that…
and thats if this guy really did do it
if her father turly wanted justice served like that and if he was only given one shot that one shot would carry in his mind… but after the second shot it would be whats done is done

What is the statute of limitations?

i was just reading about the arrest. this is gonna get interesting.

I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure they closed the suspect cases on the father, mother and Burke. The media just hasn’t.

nothing is closed until proven guilty. Confession is worthless without hardcore evidence

well, the confession was given after he was arrested due to having Evidence. He wasnt arrested because some guy went out on a whim yesterday… they have evidence against him- then he confessed.

he was talking to a dude that was writing a book about it over the net.
i’m sure they swapped info about the case. who knows the guy writing the book could be the killer.