
for murder it’s either there is no statute of limitations, or 30 years. Can’t remember but I’m pretty sure it’s one of those.

Thier is not any. Becomes a cold case file

could you inamgine spending the rest of your life in solitary confinement. shit would fuck that dude up permanently. teh government wastes money on shit everyday. one more fuck up wouldnt matter any

BANGKOK, Thailand - A former American school teacher said publicly Thursday that he was with JonBenet Ramsey when she died in what he called “an accident,” a stunning admission after a decade without answers in the 6-year-old girl’s murder. But the suspect’s ex-wife said she was with him in Alabama at the time of JonBenet’s 1996 death.

this is gonna get good

Strange coincidence, but the last U.S. Military execution was in 1961, and the guy’s name was John Bennet. If they kill that bastard who threw grenade in the trench over in the sandbox and killed 2 soliders, he would become the most recent.

yes it is

I agree Jenn this is a sad, sad world. Honestly, I try not to even listen to these news updates…they’re too depressing.

I agree. Could you imagine being John Ramsey? First, 10 years ago he loses his baby girl, gets blamed and put in jail for awhile, goes through all the shit theyve gone through, and then he loses his wife? If I were him, I’d be going off the deep end. I wonder if he is just waiting for everything to be final, case closed, then he will crack. I know I would. There is a different kind of love for your kids. Sure, you love your parents, you love your spouse, but its no comparasion to the love for your children. Im sure any mother (and fathers too) on this board could attest to that.

could you admign starring down the barrel of a gun of a father of whos child you murdered and raped

i’m telling you the life in solitary would be worse than any death sentance ordered.

Shut up !!! The cases against teh family have been clsed for years. They have DNA evidence found under JonBenet’s nails. More than likely that is how they narrowed it down to this guy in the first place. He has been arreseted on multiple child porn and moletstaion charges so his DNA is on record. He told the officers things that were never released to public that he could not have known unless he was there. There is more to teh story than teh father even knows. The father was told by another officer that “there are things you don’t want to know” after talking to the suspect.

No No… Life in the population. My Brother is a prison gaurd. When someone who has raped or killed or harmed a child is sent to prison, they have to isolate them immediatley or the other prisoners will rape and/or kill them. Even prisoners have morals.

im not at all convinced this guy actually did it.

Your Guilable

yeah i was reading that they are starting to question his confession

Your Guilable…

umm the news is your friend

For now, the only public evidence against John Mark Karr is his own words. And questions have already been raised about the details of his story, including whether he drugged the 6-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her or was even in Colorado at the time of the slaying.

Those questions led some to wonder whether Karr was the answer to the long-unsolved slaying or a disturbed wannabe trying to insert himself into a high-profile case.

im thinking he didnt want to go to jail in thailand, cause that would suck ass. So he plead guilty to a crime in America where they would pull him out of Thailand and bring him back here. once this is all done America will not send him back.

The reports I heard yesterday were early and may have been specualtive. But they did mention the DNA under her nails and that he had prior issues that could have his DNA on file and they would be testing the DNA against his. They said there are things in the confession that no one could know because it was never released.

Whats the update? I haven’t heard too much… is he back in the US yet?