Man kept Daughter in basement 24yrs, had 7 kids w/her

W.O.W. I don’t really know what to say to this, other then I think he may legitimately need mental help.

AMSTETTEN, Austria (AP) — A man has confessed to imprisoning his daughter for 24 years in windowless cell with a soundproofed door and fathering seven children with her, police said Monday.

Everyone involved is going to need mental help. The father needs a shotgun lobotomy.

I mean like straight jacket, electroshock, Sarah Connor type shit.



Well yea, obviously, but I doubt the justice system will enforce that.

wtf is wrong with people :picard:

ooohooohooh preggers daughther sex ftw lol…wait… i mean no that would be wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

What is this world coming to.



Logistically, i could see how he could keep her secretly. However, I would imagine keeping 3 children down there would be pretty fucking hard to conceal.

there is no punishment for this. He not only took away 24 years of his daughters life, but he pretty much tortured her throughout those 24 years.

I say he gets tortured and dies a slow death…

^ And those kids are their own uncles / aunts.

now thats fucking creepy

fucked up.

I can’t quite get my head around this. He kidnapped her when she was 18 and kept her in a cell for 24 years. Unthinkable, but OK. He fathered 7 children with her. Unthinkable, but OK.

1 - Baby died after birth, he put it in an incinerator. OK.
3 - Lived in the cell with the daughter/mother. OK.
3 - Lived with grandparents. WAT?

Did the grandparents not wonder where the kids came from?

The dude had a wife who did not know what was going on. WAT? How does she not know that her daughter is locked up in the basement for a quarter century? Does she not talk to the grandparents about the mystery children?

I dunno. The whole story is creepy as hell, but there’s a lot that doesn’t make sense.

It’s like some of these fuck-ups are trying to outdo the last suprising news story. But this sick fuck had 24 years working in his favor.

He should get a slow painful, grueling death… or get put in jail and ass raped 24/7.

I don’t understand how 3 kids lived with the grandparents, but didn’t say, hmmm, where did they come from?
And the dude lived upstairs with his wife???

Thank you for that avatar. I was hoping someone still had it so I can fix the smiley. :tup:

lucky her that bathroom has really nice tile

Yea, I’m betting the whole story hasn’t gotten out as yet.

But I was wondering about the grandparent link…

I could see the wife not knowing about the secret cell… if he put enough work into it.

I also wonder about how she randomly “disappeared” @ 18. Just another runaway 18yrold as a cover stroy?