a true story i heard last night:

Yeah. This was pretty fucking funny, everyone at the poker table was fucking rolling. A story by a funny Italian guy in his early-mid thirties, about his 11 year old son in 6th grade.

“So my son got a cellphone for xmas. He is in 6th grade… I didnt want to do it, but my fucking wife bitched up a storm that he could get lost or killed or some shit, so we got him one with pre paid minutes. Only 500 minutes, so the kid better not fucking waste them”

“A week goes by andmy son’s door is shut, it’s never supposed to be. I don’t wanna walk in on the kid jerking off and shit, so he can only shut it when he is going to bed. I bust the door open and there he is talking on the fucking phone”

“I say what the fuck are you doing wasting those minutes? They are for emergencies only, and you sure as shit dont look like you are being kidnapped right now”

“My kid’s face got bright red, so I snatched the phone from him and took it to my room to see what the hell was going on. The little bastard already used up 350 minutes, and all the sudden a text message goes off”

"what thehell is my 6th grade kid doing? so i look at the text message, and it’s some girl saying…“I’m eating myself right now”

[SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]“What the fuck is my fucking kid doing talking to girls this way, so i read through all his fucking texts and see this super fucking perverted chat he is having some broad. He is telling her how he is touching himself and all this fucking shit he shouldnt be doing, the fucking kid is in 6th grade”

“So then i look through some more and see the girl send him nudie pics of herself. The girl is like fucking 12!”

“So I go bitch at my kid and ask him what the fuck he was doing. I tell him he never gets a phone a fucking gain, and if he has ever had sex with a girl he better tell me right fucking now”

“my kid is all red in the face and crying, so i immediately feel like a fucking asshole. my kid says he was gonna “hook up with her” this weekend and this was gonna be his first time”

“now i gotta buy my fucking kid condoms in 6th grade, and now im flipping shit, i dont know what to do so i show my wife. who fucking cries. The whole house is a fucking mess, everyone is crying and i’m all pissed off. I cant take it out on anyone here, so you know what i do?”

“i go on the computer and download all the chats, all the pictures and get them ready in an email”

“i fucking find out this girls parents information and forward the shit to her parents”

“a week later the fucking girl moved”[/COLOR][/SIZE]

we say he is a good parent and thats fucking hysterical

he says…

yeah, “but that girl had some fucking tits”

nice, i would kick my kids ass

hahahaha thats fucking awesome, most parents would never find that plethora of shit and yea, 12 yr/o tits rock.

fucking lol


Pics or ban?


I glad you made the point that he was italian… it makes the story, reading with an accent


Seriously, some of the funniest story tellers i’ve known have been Italian :slight_smile:


edit: but if i were that kid I would cockblock my dad until he kicked me out of the house

i’da bought the condoms and gave him some tips…

just the tp? sodomy and shit of that nature is illeagel in the states. oh well at least you said you would have brought condoms.

brought or bought? i think participating is illegal too.

I guess you have to be a parent to understand his logic. I would have told him to have a good time and if he didn’t use a condom he would get punched in the face, then went to the store with him to buy them. I really think if he is gonna do it, you may as well make sure he is using protection. Last thing you need is a pregnant 6th grader on your hands.

happened to a 2nd cousin of mine… got his 15 year old g/f preggers


yeah, “but that girl had some fucking tits”


I’m not a father yet, but isn’t this something the wife should get pissed about? I mean as long as he’s got no baby mama’s I think I’d be proud that he’s getting some lol

I’m guessing when I become a Dad I will understand.
Now if this was a daughter… ooooooooooooo straight shot to the baby maker.

I would be apprehensive about emailing a 12yr newds to the girls parents. Im sure it could be considered a sex crime.

very true.

But it will make a great follow up thread.

all the “” was annoying as fuck

Sorry walter. I’ll edit it up. Now it’ll read like the rest of the posts on NYSPEED:

so my son got a cellphone for xmas he is in 6th grade… I didnt want to do it, but my fucking wife bitched up a storm that he could get lost or killed or some shit, so we got him one with pre paid minutes. Only 500 minutes, so the kid better not fucking waste them A week goes by andmy son’s door is shut, it’s never supposed to be. I don’t wanna walk in on the kid jerking off and shit, so he can only shut it when he is going to bed. I bust the door open and there he is talking on the fucking phone I say what the fuck are you doing wasting those minutes? They are for emergencies only, and you sure as shit dont look like you are being kidnapped right now My kid’s face got bright red, so I snatched the phone from him and took it to my room to see what the hell was going on. The little bastard already used up 350 minutes, and all the sudden a text message goes off what thehell is my 6th grade kid doing? so i look at the text message, and it’s some girl saying…“I’m eating myself right now”[SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]What the fuck is my fucking kid doing talking to girls this way, so i read through all his fucking texts and see this super fucking perverted chat he is having some broad. He is telling her how he is touching himself and all this fucking shit he shouldnt be doing, the fucking kid is in 6th grade So then i look through some more and see the girl send him nudie pics of herself. The girl is like fucking 12! So I go bitch at my kid and ask him what the fuck he was doing. I tell him he never gets a phone a fucking gain, and if he has ever had sex with a girl he better tell me right fucking now my kid is all red in the face and crying, so i immediately feel like a fucking asshole. my kid says he was gonna “hook up with her” this weekend and this was gonna be his first time now i gotta buy my fucking kid condoms in 6th grade, and now im flipping shit, i dont know what to do so i show my wife. who fucking cries. The whole house is a fucking mess, everyone is crying and i’m all pissed off. I cant take it out on anyone here, so you know what i do? i go on the computer and download all the chats, all the pictures and get them ready in an email i fucking find out this girls parents information and forward the shit to her parents a week later the fucking girl moved

PS: I quickly got tired of trying to eliminate all periods and capitalized letters. you get the point though.