a true story i heard last night:

haha ^ :tup:

story is like 75% accurate there wasnt as much swearing and the girl was in 8th grade the boy was 6th… GOD adam you weren’t even drinking!

Rob, why you gotta be:


PS: My story is accurate.

hahah talking dirty via text is sooo much fun lol… Then playing them for your friends is simply amazing

yea, if my kid was in 6th I’d give him the talk… and let him know all the info, Then invite willybeen over for an accurate account of life with herpes

Adam also left out the part where there was a text saying “get your fat ass over here” that made me LOL hard. On top of that the dude is going to tell the girl’s parents that shes a whore!

Ugh you are fucking it all up. He ALREADY told her. She ALREADY moved. I think at that point in the night you were too busy counting the meager amount of chips you had left to pay attention.

Weird cause i reamember having to lean around my tower of chips to watch you walk out the door…

You definitely finished higher than me, so that must mean you played better than I did, right?

Seems like i made the right moves at the right times cause i certianly didn’t win all those hands because my cards were better.

how does one “eat them self”?

No clue but that was the only accurate part of the story.

do tell

Good stuff.

LOL you are so jaded!!!:lolsign:

Rob. Keep it piffy.

Let me be more clear, Adams story actually happend but there was alot thrown in cause hes a drama queen.

WTF is piffy?

#1. Dr. Stevil wasn’t asking YOU. He wanted to head details on “eating oneself.”

#2. PIFFY. Look it up you ignoramus.

#3. You are just spiteful that you didn’t get to share that GOLDEN story with everyone.

#4. Justin sent me the pictures. :ohyeah:

prove it


Getting the pics tomorrow. Will post! :tup:

great story
