Dying girl denied wish...

This is a few days old… DISCUSS…


](http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1474939#)LINCOLN[, Neb. – A 10-year-old Lincoln girl dying of brain cancer has one wish – for her father to be at her bedside.

It isn’t likely to happen. Her father is in a federal prison in Yankton, S.D.

Vonda Yaeger is pleading with the warden for compassion to grant her daughter’s wish.

“She wants her dad. She goes to her room crying because she wants her dad,” Yaeger said.

Jason Yaeger was convicted of methamphetamine charges nearly five years ago and is scheduled to be released next year.

“We’ve never asked them to release him early. Never asked them to change anything. We’ve asked them to just give him some time to be here,” Vonda Yaeger said.

Jayci Yaeger has been allowed three escorted visits with her father, but each trip lasts only a couple of hours and costs the family hundreds of dollars. Requests for longer furloughs have been denied.

“They say it doesn’t constitute an extraordinary circumstance,” Vonda Yaeger said.

A representative of the Yankton facility would not respond to specific questions about the situation.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons Web site states its policy – that furloughs can be allowed for a family crisis and that decision is left to the warden.

“We’ve asked them numerous times, ‘What is an extraordinary circumstance?’” said Vonda Yaeger. “They danced around it. They don’t give you a direct answer.”

Jayci still gets calls when her father can manage.

“He talks to her. We put the phone to her ear and she cries,” Vonda Yaeger said.

She said there have been several times she didn’t think Jayci would make it through the night, but she somehow keeps fighting.

“I feel she’s hanging on for her dad,” Vonda Yaeger said.

The family said that what makes the situation even more difficult is that Jason Yaeger is scheduled to be transferred to a half-way house in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in August. That would make it possible to visit Jayci, but her mother said it will probably be too late.


I think it’s BS, hes in prison for a drug charge, not murder… have two armed guards escort him, let him be there for a day and take him back

Yea, i saw this earlier in the week.


Pay to play.

Not that it dosen’t suck but if they did it for him then they would have to do it for eveyone in prision who can come up with a good sob story. Then where would the boundaries be. “You can go but only if you have commited one of these crimes but none of those.”
Sucks but i agree with the decision.


It’s too bad the kid had to pay for her dad’s misdeeds and it makes me sick thinking about what she went through but that’s one of the things a parent is supposed to think about before they do illegal shit.


Daddy dipshit. Hope the meth was worth it

^ no shit

maybe it’ll clean him up

Agreed. That is the price that he pays (and unfortunately her) for his actions. The situation is terrible for her, but thats what happens when her dad breaks the law.

Maybe he will learn from this.

Fuck that, my taxes aren’t paying guards to escort this fuck around. It’s his fault for dealing meth.

Let him rot, that way he can get out of prison feeling even more like a dipshit because, due to his mistakes, he never got to see his daughter before she died. Lesson Learned.

How is he going to pass on the secrets on how to build a meth lab to his daughter if he’s in jail?

What a shitty country we live in.

He did get to see her. She got to visit him in jail for a few visits for a few hours each. So it’s not like he hasn’t got to see her. He just shouldn’t be allowed out of jail.

Make it allowable for one, your going to have a line of criminals asking for the same situation.

Do the Crime, do the time.

It sets a precedent.

If there last name started with a J instead of Y, I would have a sense of compassion.

if dad pays for the armed guards then I think they should. but if you want to fuck up your child’s life by getting involved with drugs then be prepared to pay for it.

i feel bad and all for them.i feel he should be able to see his daughter before she dies.
then again i find nothing more disturbing then being responsible for supplying millions of horrible, discusting addicts with a drug that slowly killing this country.i would kick him in the balls if i could

TI got released to go to easter church :gotme:

yeah, TI getting released for a church service is total BS

I dont feel one bit bad for the father, but I feel for the daughter. Having a daughter myself I would never put myself in a position that would possibly keep me from her. But then Im not a fn idiot either.

As much as it sucks I think its a reasonable decision.

Poor kid.



Sucks for her that he fucked up. But I’d have to agree with the no.