Dying girl denied wish...

hes a drugy not a murderer

^meth isn’t exactly a light drug were talking about. Weed, ok.


Too bad, So sad, I am glad. Drug pusher was selling drugs 5 years ago to everbody’s kids but his own and i should feel sorry for him. Let him rot in jail, besides his daughter wont have to find out what a real piece of shit her dad is. Just my point of view.

Chiming in to agree with a big NO.

Sorry little girl, dad should have thought about you before he got into the droogs

i believe he is out a for year now. he has to do 1500 hours of community service then he will be sentenced

Im thinking regardless of what it is, if your in Fed prison you did something you obviously shouldnt have. Im not saying I agree with every law, but the rules are the rules.

“doesnt anyone else care about the fn rules!”

/Walter Sobchak off

Poor kid.

good job dad.

It is the fathers fault ultimately.

Someone in my family was in a very similar situation. They are in jail, and their father has a very serious disease. The warden would not let him go, except to his fathers funeral.

Yeah we bitch about it, but who’s fault is it that you are in jail in the first place?

Personal Responsibility.

if hes in jail for 5 years on a drug charge its more then getting caught with a little personal use Meth he had a line of previous charges was selling or manufacturing large quantities. Whoever wrote this doesnt give the whole story and that is bullshit to give a jail a bad name, theres a reason hes not being allowed to go if he was a model inmate who just made a mistake and has changed he would of been allowed a day or two, hell i know people here who get out for the weekend just to see there family no guard nothing they just release them for a weekend for there congical and they turn themself into the jail afterwards.


It’s not the daughter’s fault so why punish her for what he did?

He’ll be escorted to the funeral and thats it. There is no other reason to have to have tax payers pay to escort a criminal somewhere that he would be able to go if he didn’t fuck up.

sorry kid, your daddy’s an asshole.

Awful lot of conservative sounding people in here. :wink:

he did get released, I just heard

Preach on brother. You’d be surprised all that bullshit we the taxpayers pay for for people in prison.

Hey, if you get some fucked up terminal disease and can’t pay for medical costs…just start stealing until you can afford them, and in the process, if you go to jail, you’ll get everything you need for free. Win win situation for criminals and/or people who don’t want to work. We the taxpayer will cover the lazy and criminal mindset peoples. It makes no sense to give people who don’t wanna work free shit. And on top of all the “charity”, if you get a real job, you stop receiving free shit, so instead of a getting a real job, this idea just promotes criminalism.

holy fuck I just skewed topics a bit. Touchy subject for me, sets me off.

I know its going against most of you, but I am glad they did this.

I mean come on…put yourself in the girls shoes. This is about her wish, the innocent, terminally ill girl.

Daddy is doing his time, living with the fact he was not there for his daughter when she needed him most…but atleast she got her wish.

its the girls death wish jesus. its not like its her birthday wish, or the dad asking for time to see her. the situation sucks, but the daughter shouldn’t have to suffer because her dad is a fuck up.


I’m sorry Smokey, but you were over the line…mark it zero…