justa4door needs a vacuum.

I give another :tup: to rainbow. I also used to sell them, and nothing else compares.

My parents have had a Kirby since 1979 and its still running strong as and sucks like no tomarrow, lifetime guarantee and work cant be beat. new ones are like 1500 and are now self propelled, are 35 or so year old one would still get 400 bucks from them. It weighs a good 20 pounds, since its made out of steel, its a Bag vac, bags last like 3 months in my house.

It kicks the shit out of any Sears type brand eureka dyson hoover shit.

I bet rainbow is the same type of quality, just a different name

dysons are badass, but walmart has a blue vacuum thats bagless for super cheap…we used it at work and it definitely gets a tup for like 30 bucks…

ugh i def. didnt want to spend that much. its just for an apt rug. i dont want a POS, but was hoping to get a halfway decent one for under $80 or so.

all this talk about rainbows and no prices? obviously more than i want to spend if i have to ask but just curious.


i have this dirt devil, it’s pretty good

dirt devil came out with a dyson knock off for less then $170


the rainbows price is determined on how you go about purchasing one

watch the paper for when one pops up, under $200

walk into ATC systems and say “gimme everything” … $2,000+


yea, $2000 for the full system brand new. but as long as your not the type of person that tends to throw your vacuum down the stairs, and you can handle a few simple maintenance steps (clean the basin, clean the seperator) it will last for ever

the only thing that REALY causes damage to a rainbow is:

  1. leaving it sit on the basin while its full of water (causes the motor to rust)
  2. cleaning up ashes (doesnt get trapped in the water)
  3. cleaning up drywall dust (doesnt get trapped in the water)
  4. cleaning up concrete dust (turns to concrete, duh)

if you do those 4 things, it will last indefinantly

For a Vacuum?.. fuck that!!

My grandparents bought a Rainbow then they bought a Kirby. Personally, I thought the Kirby was better.

my family owns a kirby

i bought a rainbow

the living room got cleaned with the rainbow, the family room got cleaned with the kirby

the tv in the family room needs to be cleaned of dust every 2 weeks
the computer and tv in the living room could go 2 months before i had clean the screens

kirby’s spew dust just like everything else
the rainbow does not

Rainbows are water filtrated? So thats the magic, my neighbor was ranting and raving about them.

in my experience, dirt devils and orecks blow. I have a fantom vacuum and it rocks…
the full size upright : Fantom® Twister™ 500DX
it’s a bit heavy, but it hasn’t broken yet and it’s been abused. <3 cleaning.

dysons are sweet but they’re $$$$$ for something so small… and brightly colored. I’ve heard good things about Rainbow but never used one.

you can borrow mine if you want to try it out. good luck Jeff.

thats part of it, the rest of the magic is the 14000 rpm motor, the seperator, and a stack of 6" centrifigal fans. plus the hepa, not that the hepa has much left to trap…

ok 2 year old bump b/c i need to get a vacuum today…

I also used to work at ATC systems with Nick but i cant buy a Rainbox right now and also they will not “show” it to me

BUT since this was 2 years old i want to see if there is anything new out there that i should look foor … looking to stay under 500…

things to take into count …

3kids so shit/food/chips gets on the floor
one cat and one dog
3200 sqft house 80% carpet

I got a Dyson for $235 off woot.com a month back. It works great compared to my old vacuum. The only downfall is the brush doesn’t work as good as the old vacuum.

And Rainbow does kick ass. My parents have had one for 20 years with no problems. But they are expensive.

The other vacuum I have is a Hoover which was a model for pet hair. Actually works real good especially in corners and on stairs. But the Dyson cleans up more than the Hoover does on open floors.

see i would buy a rainbow if i did not know the markup/commissions on it I am working with my old boss to see if he will sell it to me for less but he wants me to go back and work for them and i cant do that …

im looking at the dysons on overstock they are sub 350…

i kinda need something quick i cant keep using the shopvac in the house… lol yea my old one took a shit over the weekend

not that i vacuum, but my wife loves her Dyson, lol

lol thanks for the title
