Justin's s14 240Sx (94 sentra_xe)

maybe call it a resurection with 5 speed swap… hey isnt the tune gonna be different with the 5 speed?


ya its gonna drive like crap with the stock tune

Yo Justin, if you ever need a hand working on the S14 let me know. If I have some free time I’ll help out.

hey nintyone why dont u put some ground fx on that thing to match the front

I am for the summer. Got to find an OEM Silvia set. The front came with the conversion.

shit will be hot… is it boosted yet?

LOL nah stock ka24e


KA24 powahhhhhhhhhhh

wouldnt be like that if 6 pages of it isnt stupid ass bullshit

:rofl :gtfo

you gonna bitch like jeff does, i say dress warm cause i dont have a garage and he wears 2 sweatshirts :retardclap…while i got on 4 sweatshirts, 2 tshirts a hat, 2 pairs of sweatpants, jeans and 2 pairs of socks with my boots :smiley:

oh and once i get the sturits and springs into work and do them i can have it back on the ground then i can ask my neibors to rent their garage and then i can push it next door

nice s14 i don’t see any around greenwich, when are you putting the springs and struts in? Good luck with the build.

just stock replacements for now i should be doin it sunday at work

jeff is coming over tomorrow to work on it, i get out of work at 7 idk if he is going over earlier though, you can come too if you want, he is going to ask my neibor about their garage too

I’ll see what I got going on. And I’m not going to bitch like Jeff unless you don’t have the right tools for the job, :rofl

well thats always a possibility :cry:

if your bored and dont got anything going on call him up

yo, i’ve got an origin roof spoiler if ya want it. the site says its for an s14 but doesnt specify kouki or zenki so i’m guessing it fits either. i had it on my car for a while but it wasn’t really my style. don’t really think there are many other s14s around here so lemme kno if u want it

how much, idk how much i would like it either

well its too fucking cold, and its gonna snow soon, ill do the suspension tomorrow and we’ll ask my neighbor about the garage so we can push it up there and finish the tranny, also with the new one coming monday we can get this shit going

i’ll let it go for whatever u’ll give me. it doesn’t do me any good just collecting dust in my garage. even if u kno of any other s14’s that might be interested that’d be cool