Kramers stupid "got emm" and "thanks" game that will get him banned..thnks


im not reading all 4 pages of this… but i seen it the day it came out… i thought it was funnier than scary… whoever thinks it was scary is a bitch…



no youre a bitch for driving a girls car

gott emmmmm

Thanks for letting me know.

okay steve thanks for the comment keep me posted

10-4, Appreciate it, thanks

roger that. you know how to get a hold of me if you need to. i owe you one.

:rofl :rofl @ title

and tdilogik gets 100% credit for these shift518 phenomena’s.


he comesup with some funky shit

yea, my sayings soooo yeaaaa

thanks for the thread title change


nahhh, the neg rep i just gave you is annoying.

its ok pjbizzle… i agree with you.


PJB and failvis, the two people i respect the VERY MOST in this world don’t like my posts

my life is pretty much over at this point.

plus rep if i could

good for you. want a cookie?

i’d love one, thanks.


Could you retract your statement ? Your agreement with any argument takes away any legitimacy it may have.

hahah + rep