Lowered the Car Yesterday v. Crappy Cell phone pics.

People didnt like the idea of you making your truck fast…and you were dead set on it…now you have a GTO…lol

Anyways it looks nice lowered…The rims would look better with bigger brakes…

but i did it anyway (or tired to) despite what people said because i wanted to do something different. the fact that i realized i couldnt make it fast on my budget was only one of several factors considered in getting a new car.

I did not need a long reply…I was kidding…carry on.

By making it look like shit?

It’s really for his own good.

The drop looks nice. A little lower than I would have gone for a daily driven car.

why does everyone and thier grandmother leghump BBS’s?

Is it becuase theyre german?

Seriously, am I the only one here who thinks BBS’s are ugly as fuck?


because it’s a public message board and people use it to post their opinions. although i agree with you, if justin wasn’t pussy hurt about it, and specifically ROFLMAO’d about people not liking his wheels, why are you pussy hurt about it?

i don’t really give a fuck if the wheels are steelies with spinner hubcaps, i want to know what kind of suspension was used.

because they are very pleasing to look at for most, and they are tried and proven wheel.

seriously, looks wayyy better. :tup:

bahahahahahahah :headbang:

he handles the criticism (sp, JEG style) pretty well for how terrible it is. but it’s his car, and he chooses to post it. he knows it’s coming.

whoever said the car needs bigger brakes is absolutely right. or better rotors.

WAY the fuck better

Wow, looked bad before, but looks kinda ghetto now, must be the drop + chrome blingology.

:lol: at all the other comments, I replied after reading the first post, silly me.

god those wheels are fucking awful.

seriously dude, the car would look soooo much better with the stock wheels on it. i think s4’s are the only cars where the stock wheels should remain on the car at all times. that is just my opinion, but i think im right.

my bet would be… yes. you really think bbs’s are ugly? ohh… wait. you drive an s10. your entire car is ugly.

i paid $200 for my wheels. ive had bbs’s on my previous cars, never had an issue with them, they’re cheap, reliable, and i think it sets of my e30 quite nicely. the good old OEM+ look


can anyone say those wheels look shitty on that car? (putting flame suit on :slight_smile: )

I <8 BBS wheels.

Look what they did for this benz…they practically make the car!


Anyway…drop looks good.:tup:


Well, you made a thread so you’re obviously looking for feedback so here goes:

-The wheels. Nuff said.
-Is the drop even? The front wheel gap looks smaller than the back.
-Are my eyes deceiving me or did the drop result in positive camber in the rear?

To each his own so feel free to ignore my opinion, but IMO a stock S4>Your S4.

Not hating. If you like it cool. That’s all that matters.

I agree the front needs to come up a little. as you need to keep oil in that pan, and even out the car (or you could put a bigger system in the trunk that should even it out (lol).

But deffintly looks better… now getting it running so we can do a photoshoot with YOUR car.

What suspension set up did you go with?

I don’t think I would have gone THAT low… but hey, you gotta keep your eyes open a little wider while driving.

Yeah, I don’t think I need to comment on the rims anymore…

looks good inform me on those stock struts…

OMFG THE RIMS, I rather like.

Then again I like 80s cars therefore I have no valid taste. Interesting choice on the drop though for some reason I see that drastically hurting the performance of the car on the street.