put the wheels on


put them on over the weekend w/ the suspension mods .

sorry for teh shitty cell phone pic.


looks good in person…just went out to see them

Its more the angle than the phone.

looks good.

methinks summer’s a’comin’ :wink:

I can tell what it would look like, but a side shot would be best.

Not bad at all. Very good decision on the wheels. :tup:

they are dirty though…you should clean them

side shot coming up

lol…so that;s where you went

side shot


From the 1st angle I dont like but the side shot is Much better

looks better :tup:

omg llike look at the side ssssshottt :gay3:

they look hot :tup: i want to see it in person.


hotness confirmed :tup:

very nice, loooooking good :slight_smile:


tint that bish

Looks good.

Looks baller.