My 2003 Wr450 supermoto bike

dude. i saw a turbo in one of those pics!!

running straight to the batt. i may decide to change it i can always tap into the headlight or something if i dont like that setup

and yes thats a turbo… 30r im puttn it on the bike next week!

Yeh im making the manifold tomorrow



cant wait to see it :clap

You better let me ride this scrap heap when it’s done

you can power shift it if i can power shift your car

lemme fix the leaky tranny first so it doesnt grenade

warranty that bitch

no shit, its goin in tomorrow AM then heavy drinking will commense

told you id get this taillight working! blinkers and all are good to go
im fucked
holy brakes batman!
uber sexyness

Black clark 2.9 gallon gas tank will be here next week

Can you see that tail light from say, truck height or so?

Looking great as always!

such a piece of shit

yea thats kinda what i was thinking. i sat on the bike stand as if i was in a car and you can see the whole thing no problem but from a truck that is tailgating me prob not. you drive the bike and i drive your truck and well find out haha

i can mount it lower if i need to i just bolted it to the rear fender

lol DEAL!

Fuck this piece of shit and the owner

yea it should be in a dumpster

Both should be

Looks badass!!!