new bike, STREET LEGAL yz450f!!

Just bought this thing this morning, cant believe I found one but I finally did.

04 STREET LEGAL which is like retarded hard to find yz450f

Took it around the block at my store, this thing is so fuckin fun

looks fun

guy even welded a second set of pegs on it for a passenger, fuckin love this thing… front fender and new graphics kit and this thing will be MINT

Would you grow a set and buy a fucking M5 already?!?!

When are you selling it? LOL

business before pleasure lol… in the process of opening a new store which should be up and running within 2 weeks and trying to purchase a 2 family rental property in schenectady from a friend before he goes into foreclosure.

lolol, gonna try reaall hard to keep this one.

so sick

Had an 03 yz450f years ago. These things are bad ass in the dirt. I can only imagine how much fun it is to slide around the streets on.

sick! let me know when you sell it!

Def ditch the rear directionally haha

completely off topic but since you started it, is the new store on erie? I saw it yesterday if that’s the one

nah, its across from Kmart/price chopper/big lots on central ave

like right near 155?


Motard wins again… Welcome to the brotherhood.

Oh, and get ready for tickets, lots of tickets.

Congrats on the pickup, dope.

I want to see how much faster this thing is than my DRZ400.

We need another motard cruise soon :number1

Whole reason I would have a motard is to not get caught…

That worked in the 90’s… They have radios/cell phones/GPS/Plate Readers now… Sure if you see him turn around without his lights and you can get in the woods but in the city? Yeah ok… You run and hope to get away, I’ll pull over and chat about my bike and take the warning.

The real reason to have a motard is because they are the most fun to ride.