Motards, K20's, and Niskayuna Police

Today was a rather brisk, yet sunny day. A bunch of us were at Seitz’s checking out Stallmer’s K20 Civic and just general bullshitting. Stallmer was giving free rides in exchange for blowjobs allll day long (which caused the initial 3 complaint calls to the Nisky police), so obviously the opportunity for a ride in the K20 civ could not be passed up. Tires were roped off, front wheels on motards were lifted off the ground, well, you get the idea.

Then, Mr. 333whp himself came up with the idea. “Hey, i’ll let you ride my Motard if you let me drive your K-twizzle.” An agreement was made, and we set off to cause a whole shitload of ruckus.

Upon turning onto the main drag, I automatically could tell something was about to go down. The aroma was in the air, I just had that gut instinct. As I looked to my right, I saw the Civic banging 2nd gear, melting the Falken rubber that was on the car. The exhaust roared, and my SMR rumbled at a steady 1800RPM awaiting a rather lengthy 3rd gear wheelie.

As I set the front wheel down around 70mph (and the WR moving at the same rate of speed beside me), I saw him. A Nisky cop stunting down the road in his White marked Chevrolet Impala. I was engine braking for a while, and passed him around 40mph. Still, I know he saw us causing trouble (the car as well as the bikes following). As we got to the end of the road, I saw him pull a u-turn and begin the chase.

I turned onto another main road to head back to where we were hanging out before. As I looked in my golf club shaped mirror, I saw the cherries illuminate and Stallmer putt putting with the cherries on. :rofl What a tard (on the motard).

This is where I got fed up with the bacon chompers and decided to ignite all 510 cc’s of the SMR away from this cop. I was light years away from the cop and luckily he had no idea where I was.

Unfortunately, the Niskayuna Sargeant DID know where I was since I was coming in his direction at an estimated 70mph. He drew his gun on me, and I had no choice but to stop, bend over, apply lube, and accept the long hard dick of the law. Stallmer arrived about 2 mins after, driving at about 15mph, and with the Nisky cop following him for the past mile or so with the lights on. :rofl

I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

-Wreckless driving (misdemeanor)
-70mph in a 30mph
-Unlicensed operation
-Impounded bike

Matt got an unlicensed operation ticket (since he was only putt puttin’ and didn’t run :lol). The WR also got impounded.

Live and learn.

P.S. Fosters is a rather delicious beer. Cheap and effective (yes I am drinking right now, haha)


Officer Stevens busting your balls! Can’t wait to hear his side of the story :rofl

Entertaining writing, will read again! :number1

How do you know Stevens? he wasn’t exactly the nicest cop in the world

wow. good luck with everything.

hopefully the “learn” part will stick with you i know it did with me (first time ever getting pulled over, last august, was racing and got an “unauthorized speed contest” ticket, was dropped to a minor speeding ticket, just was thankful that the dude didn’t get a radar on me (i was going fast enough to be put in jail :lol ) and that it didn’t cost me more than it did).


At least tara looks thrilled

Yeah. I on the other hand was not

The arm of the law is a long one my friend

Yessir. Goodtimes.

sorry to hear that mang

Just noticed Mo in the background as well… anyone get hit with any child molestation tickets?

You’re a retard for not being licensed and still riding the bike.

i have yet to be pulled over by a nice cop

the saratoga sheriff who yanked me in august was alright, considering the fact that his co-worker was directly behind me when i was doing 130+ multiple times :lol

No. Nisky is a whole different story…

You sir are a Fucking retard. Obviously i was in the wrong. I have a permit which come to find out had just expired.

everyone does stupid shit on the street, no exceptions. the smart ones regret it later.

i know this might be a low blow, but have you looked at the front of your car recently?

Both me and Leo had our permits, We were following Seitz who was driving my car, who infact did have his license so we were good to go.

Fucking up and wrecking your car is a bit different than already having gotten in trouble for something like being unlicensed, and doing it again anyways. Then trying to run from the cops.

Especially when you have a decent, quick car to rock around til you get your license.

I’m just saying, it’s retarded.

I was talking about smokinconaltSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss

Wait wtf is going on here, I thought the OP was chris :rofl

disregard all posts in this thread of mine, i’m too confused to sort this out and frankly I dont really care, I’m going to bed, good luck with all that guys :rofl