What's the worst legal trouble you've been in?

For me, only 2 things i can think of.

1.) at the ripe age of 18 I plowed through a corn field at night with my mother’s Chrysler Cirrus as i was trying to outrun the state police for speeding. They caught me and I was hand-cuffed and in a state trooper car for 45mins. They let me drive home after all was said and done.

Tickets: Speeding, Driving without headlights, Failure to signal left, Failure to comply.
Result: Reduced to 2 parking tickets ($100 fine and no points)

2.) Back in the day, UB was handing out new Windows software to all students. I was getting a hold of several copies and selling them on eBay. I was called into UB for Software piracy and given 40hrs of community service.

made an easy $2K as a starving college student.

I was held/interrogated in the 15th sub basement of a 3 letter agencies building.

They’re now my employer.

spent 5 years in jail for rape

Brought up on 13 charges, one of which was “Interception and decryption of government signals”

Case was later dropped after a couple years.

i had a few felonies… i just got my licence back after 3 years

Tint ticket. :lol:

running from the police which was really dumb in retrospect… used an attorney and got it reduced to parking tickets…

my attorney to the DA - “we still on for golf this weekend” was the point where I knew things would be ok.

the details are overwhelming

I’ve always been great at getting out of trouble, and I’ve done some really dumb shit.

Exhaust ticket, no front plate ticket.

Both dropped :tup:

I had like 4 typed out and then thought twice about posting them on the internet.

I’ll just go with the license plate on one of my cars is “multi jurisdictional contest of speed” by far not the worst, but probably top 10.

1337 h4x0r right here folks.

got caught water ballooning might drive through,let off because i hung out with the cops daughter a while back.

I had assault charges for grabbing the back of a guys head and smashing his face into a brick wall a few times(hit a girl in front of me) 6 month acd, judge actually said thanks after he knew what really happened.
The guy had a broken nose and fractured something in his face I forget.

Few bar fights in clubs, disorderly conduct and let go with comm service and fines.

edit…first one is off my record(I was young) so let it stay there :wink:

when i was up at Clarkson for college 2 years ago in the spec. about 2 weeks after i was going over to Potsdam to hang out with some friends, and spun out around a corner with sandy gravel on it. going 45 in a 55 so i wasn’t speeding and have taken the corner plenty of times before.

anyway. spun out slid across the road and hit the embankment on the other side with the front and back of the spec.

nobody was there to see it, but a neighbor called the cops on me, ended up getting $1400 in tickets for:

failure to keep right
failure to obey a suggested sign
imprudent speeding
and some bullshit racing/ aggressive driving ticket

cop says im lucky he didn’t take my license on the spot. all pretty bullshit for no one even being there to see what happened

and on top of that it cost me about 800 to fix the car and i got taken back to the police station in the cop car even tho my car was still drivable. just missing the bumpers which broke off.

driving with a suspended license

man, im so baaaaad

arrested and in jail for 3rd degree aggravated unlicensed operation… got bailed out… all charges dropped

one stop, 5 tickets (following too closely, driving on shoulder, failure to slow down on curve, reckless driving, passing on ON RAMP), one was a class A misdemeanor and faced up to year in jail… charges reduced to 2 failure to obey traffic control device tix ((i was cruising with 2 of my brothers , i was the middle car! awwwwe!)

i got pulled over for speeding, but was never given a ticket

1 Speeding ticket and a couple Parking tickets.

Other than that, nothing.

nice,got strangled at southgate by a security guard.while trying to get away,elbowd his stomache.he fell,the jesus store called it in and i got picked up.cops found out he was choking me only out of sinility and it was dropped.