Story Time

So…I figured I’d post this up. If any of you have been through something similar, feel free to share lol. I laugh about this now, but I will have to say it did teach me some valuable lessons when it happened.

So, when I was 17 and finishing my Junior year of High School at Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, I had a 1992 Subaru Legacy AWD Turbo (picture).

Coming home from school one day in May, I was following a senior (barely knew the kid though) on RT. 101 in Selkirk (behind the school, for those of you who know the area). A little ways down the road from the school, there is a U-Turn spot in the grass where the Coeymans PD likes to hang out and nab people.

Well, we were doing 60 in a 45 and just cruisin along. I had two other kids in my car with me. As we come around the corner before the U-Turn spot, I notice the cop SUV (Durango) sitting there. Within seconds, he hits his lights. What do I do? I punch it.

I pass the kid in front of me, take the sharp right hand turn just past the U-Turn spot at like 60mph (might have caught air a bit - some of you may know what turn I’m talking about - it’s a huge dip at the same time). Down the road (like half a mile) there was a road crew working on something. I blew through there at 120+ (according to the ticket - it was probably closer to 100) and just past the road crew was a car in my lane. It was approaching fast to say the least. At this point, my front passenger knew what I was going to do and grabbed the ‘oh shit’ handle with both hands. As I approach the car, another car appears around the corner. I slowed down a lot, and just as soon as I had enough space I blew through the opening and proceed to accelerate to over 100 again (this was the corner right after Stalker Apartments on 101). About a mile or two down the road (with the cop out of sight), I slammed on the brakes and ebraked into a gravel driveway (my neighbors) and parked on their lawn behind a mini-forest (couldn’t see me from the road). Too bad I didn’t think it fully through. By flyin into a driveway at those speeds (and it being gravel) I raised a crap load of dust. You can guess the rest. As he pulled up, I got out of the car to bail on foot. I took 4 steps and then thought better of my decision and froze (with my hands in the air). I managed to sneak a peak over my shoulder and noticed he had his gun on me ready to pop me if I made one move. Anyway, I got cuffed and searched and all that. I ended up getting: Speeding (60 in a 45), Speeding in a workzone (120+ in a 35), Reckless Endangerment, Reckless Driving, Unsafe Passing)

Got taken to the station, printed, etc. etc. I was supposed to go in front of the judge later on but luckily I knew Officer Darlington (who is now Chief) because at the time he was our school resource officer and I fixed his PC a few times (I worked for my district after class as a PC tech). He went and talked to the judge for me and they let me out on my own recognizance. My brother picked me up from the station and the night ended. My parents were so shocked that they didn’t speak to me for days.

I ended up going to court for 10 months (once a month) with my Lawyer (don’t recall his name but he worked for Tocci Parker Tocci on Central Ave.). The result of my sentencing was:

3 years probation, 1 of the reckless tickets, and $300 fine (+ $500 for the lawyer). Probation resulted in not being able to leave Albany county without them knowing, having to be home by midnight, and having full-time school and/or work. I ended up being released from probation after 1.5years and my record was sealed due to YO status (Youthful Offender).

That’s pretty much it. Didn’t really proof read this, but that’s my story haha.

Anyone got anything similar they care to share? lol.


No stories here, I’m a law abiding citizen. :tongue

Cool story bro, glad you didn’t kill anyone in the process. :facepalm

Shocked you got off that easy. Not sure how you didn’t get charged with felony evade.

In 9th grade, I got hammered in lunch, got caught, and got arrested for it. :rofl

30 hours of community service later I was free.

Crazyz250 and I were on youth court jury duty and talked everyone into giving some poor kid 100 hours of community service for throwing a house party and getting cought. :rofl

In 1st grade I glued a certain member on the forum to his chair. :rofl

Yeah I did get lucky. I think I didn’t get charged with a felony because of the YO status.

Letter from a teacher to the judge (not sure what they call those letters where they basically make you look like an angel…recommendation letter?) and the cop mentioned in the story saved my ass in court I think. DA was super nice to me.

I also had to write a letter to my school principal apologizing for drinking/supplying alcoholic beverages in “his” school :rofl

It sucked at the time but now I just look back and laugh my ass off about it.

Yeah same here. I learned from it. My next ticket was 4 years (almost) later. It’s a story to tell my kids now (and you guys lol).

The only thing even remotely similar to that I have been involved in, was being a passenger during a race down Central Ave, passing a Colonie cruiser, screaming to pull over as an attempted evasion took place, and finally a wrong turn to a dead end road ended that pretty fast.
By this time a second cruiser with two more officers had arrived. The first one came walking up to the car and states “Almost got away.” or something to that effect. By this point I’m sure that I’m driving the car home because I’m thinking it’s only a matter of time before the cuffs come out.
He had to ask how fast we were going, because his radar wasn’t even on, but it was pretty obvious it was at least double the 40mph speed limit. After confessing to 100+ the cop went through the “you could have killed someone… what were you thinking… etc…” which was well deserved. (When I had looked down our actual speed was somewhere around 120.)
He then turns to look at me for the first time, and notices me seething with anger in the passenger seat. I think he felt bad and decided that even jail couldn’t be worse than what was in store once I didn’t have to hold my tongue and keep my composure.
After finally running both of our information, and speaking to the other two officers, he came back with a hefty ticket. At this point I was just glad there would be no bail money or impound fees required. All things considered the cop was really fair, and the outcome could have been a lot worse in more ways than one.

I’m sure psi2high has a story or two…

Yeah on the way to the station, the cop turned to me and goes, “Dude. What the hell was that? You aren’t even drunk or high. You had NOTHING in your car. Cleanest car I’ve ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

All I could say was, “No clue man. No clue.”

Cop was in his early 30’s, maybe late 20’s.

He cuffed the crap outa me. I had rings on my wrists for like a week. That ink they print you with? Takes like 5 days to get off your hands.

I should a been on the Cops TV show lol.

That show Speeders always makes me laugh.
I got… “detained” we’ll say… in Belmar, NJ a few years ago.
Well it never fails that when I happen to watch it, someone from the Belmar PD will be on it. Well, it was only a matter of time 'til I saw my old friend on TV.

Last week I got caught having sex with this girl by the highschool principal in the auditorium. I told the bitch to stop moaning so loud. Fucking 13 year olds no self control at all:Idiots

Oh Ron, you should have been at the Saratoga county fair yesterday with us.
Little girls in flashy costumes dancing around on stage. You would have loved it.

The sell fried dough at D’Andreas now. I no longer have any need to attend a fair

Uh oh, dough boys might have some competition when it comes to my drunken snacks from now on.

Seriously. their fried dough is legit too. Just like a fair

Can we keep this thread limited to real stories and not in-your-dreams-screwing-13yo-girls stories?? lol.

Quality fried dough is not to be taken lightly!

myself and a friend of mine got nabbed “racing” on central. i had my 89 sho and my now brother in law his bonnie ssei. didnt see the cpd a few cars back due to a blown heatercore(fog machine in my car) got pulled over my car got impounded and we got to ride in the paddy wagon down alb. cuffed to the bench for awhile,i think i was 16. lost my licence for 6 months,40 hrs service $700 lawyer $300 fine and points. it sucked balls. all we did was run up till top of second gear,although i left a hefty cloud of smoke. i guess i learnd my lesson. havent got anything major since.