Story Time

Finally someone like me lol. Kind of.

Yeah, in my first 11 months of driving (the arrest happened in the 11th month), I had like 12 tickets (including those 5) and like 40 points. Yet, I never really had a record. Everything I ever got was thrown out or reduced to parking lol.

HA my story was real

now compare your life to mine then kill yourself

Sure it was. Is there a crazy smiley? lol.

I’ve got one…but not as bad as Ilya’s.

Me and some friends drove out for a buddy’s party at his cabin in the middle of no where. We’re in my Prelude, I’m DD. We get there, I have 3 or 4 in the first 2 hours. Then switch to water for the next 2-3 hours. I feel fine when we leave. My 3 friends on the other hand, are all hammered, and underage. Its 2am when we leave.

So we’re on the way home…got cruise on, keeping it at 5 over in the left lane. There’s this car in front of me going the speed limit that won’t move over. No big deal, I just pass him on the right. 10 minutes later I see a car behind me, I change lanes and let him by, then get back in the left lane (there is another car in front of me). Then the guy slows down, and doesn’t move over to let me by. I realize its the same guy as before, and just go around him again.

He does it AGAIN. At this point my buddy is like “Just blow by him and get some distance between us.” I figured good idea. So I downshift to 3rd and punch it. I just stayed in the gas, figuring its 230am, we’re in the middle of no where, there’s going to be no cops. I did 90 by a state trooper. Oops.

I get pulled over, was told I was doing 88 in a 55. He smells beer and asks if I’ve been drinking tonight. I tell him the truth and said I had 3 or 4 almost 3 hours ago and had been drinking water since. He drags me out of the car and gives me a field sobriety test. It’s 230am, I’m getting a sobriety test, and my 3 underage friends are drunk in the back seat. Shit.

He determines that I am “driving under the influence” but only gave me a speeding ticket. 33mph over the speed limit. Pretty damn close to a felony (which is 40 over if I remember right).

I got a lawyer (since the 8 points that would have given me would have lost me my license) and got of with a $75 parking ticket and $400 in lawyer fees.

I now always use cruise, and beep and flip the bird when someone is pissing me off instead of blasting by them.

Nicole even found ‘fried dough nuggets’ @ the fair yesterday. Never had I seen a girl so excited about fried fair food.

Demo derby / real lemonade / fried dough.
Yes. I was a happy camper.

SWIM = Someone who isn’t me. If you are going to post incriminating things on the internet you must try not to use I or me.

1st clocked doing 160+ (SWIM only knows this because of my V1 Detector) got away after he tried to give chase.

2nd SWIM also Prevoked an officer to chase me just to be a dick and actually got away. (Alcohol Involved of course) Sully can vouch.

3rd The worst one…Alright here’s the story that finally made SWIM wake up and and put down the bottle.
Here goes, SWIM had just lost a close childhood friend to a heroin overdose and was attending his wake. Now before the wake SWIM started drinking heavily because he couldn’t deal with the loss, SWIM had always turned to alcohol for an escape. SWIM even went as far as to bring beer with them so they could go outside during the wake and pound as needed.

After Leaving the wake SWIM proceeded to go to a bar to get even more drunk. Then to another while drinking most of a 12 pack on the way there. After the second bar SWIM had roughly 20+ drinks in them and thought I was still OK to drive… Bad idea…

The night ended with a high speed chase, a car accident, being chased through the woods on foot for nearly an hour, and 14 tickets half of which were misdemeanors. Thankfully no one was injured.

$15,000 later SWIM got off pretty easy in my opinion with only a DWI, which is still a serious charge these days.

That one night changed SWIM’s life completely. SWIM went from being a raging alcoholic to stone sober over night. It’s just sad that it took that much for me to see how destructive their behavior had become.

My story isn’t to get sympathy or to brag. I just wanted to point out how one bad decision can change your life in an instant and how dangerous alcohol can be and vehicles really don’t mix.

-pRotek ya nEk

Disclaimer: To not incriminate myself in any manner I used the

Dude you are retarded.

You ran from a cop over 60 in a 45? I wish he’d shot you, just once. In the leg or something.

in the dick

OK, heres a few of mine:

R had a copy of dad’s van keys. R took dads van, 1996 Voyager, on more than one occasion. Well one night R picked up some buddies, was drinking aftershock and beers, and decided to drive to Oneonta, at 1am~ish. Got to Oneonta, drove around the villiage, neutral drops and fireworks were set off, basically fun was had by all. Then while crusin down main st. R decides that the apporaching changing light, should be run. Mistake… R nearly hits a state trooper making the turn. The cop was rather lax, alowing R to dump all the beer, and no drinking charges. Needless to say R spent the night in the jail, with buddies, until dad could get gas and come get R in the morning. Did I mention R was 16 with no permit or license? Well in court R got away with an unlicensed operator, and running a red light… $200 fine, and no restrictions on license, whenever R got one. Well seeing R want to drive, dad allowed R to get permit the following week, after very heavy scolding and grounding.

The next incident happen when R was 17, and had his license less than a year. R was going up Summit hill, around 9ish, to see his lady friend. As R was going uphill at approx. the speed limit, a car is rapidly approching. The following car continues to tailgate R, until after being followed over a mile or two, R decides to lose said tailgater. R drops a gear and pulls rapidly on the follower. Then the party lights go on. In court, R gets 71 in 55, and cop refuses to negotiate. This being within the first 12 months, takes R’s license. Plus the fine of course. R countinues to drive for a year without license, and then gets license back without incident.

I feel that R was very lucky with both incidents.

Correction. I was retarded lol. I’d just pull over now.

But yeah. Something just made me floor the car and go. To this day I have no clue WHY.

paging gattvile…haha he has some similar stories lol (last week!) :rofl

ya i pretty much just ran for the fuck of it, lol, was following a certain black s13 coupe, at around 65-70 in a 45, saw the brake lights as i passed, i hit it, booked it down the next side street…dead end…fml, waited for the coast to become clear, waited too long, went to head out from end of said street, trooper blocks me in, pulls me out cuffs me, searches car, didnt find any drugs/alcohol just a bunch of “tools” (machete, several knives, about 30 shotgun shells, box of 7.62x39, compound bow, arrows, beating pipe, ect ect small fireworks, police scanner) i started bs-ing with him, he threatend to arrest me/tow car, i left with a shit eating grin on my face. The only thing i learned was that you cant keep a bowie knife in your door pocket.

:rofl:rofl +1

Yeah that cop really wanted to get you because that s13 had to keep it up around 100-110 to stay in front of him enough to get to safety :lol

i hit about 90, fucking failvis shitty suspension had the pos all over the place:lol

To add to my story…

My slightly older sister got off the bus (I had left before the buses) as I was getting cuffed.

My neighbors watched me get cuffed as well and I heard from them later that they stood by the window for like 10 minutes going back and forth saying, “Nah, that wasn’t Ilya. Yes it was. No it wasn’t.”


Oh…and before Frank grabbed the oh shit handle…he was yelling, “I don’t want to die.” I had to shut the radio off and told him to shut up. lol.

We had the windows down and music bumpin. Kid in the back seat wasn’t scared AT ALL. He had long hair and it was just waving in the wind.

I got out before either of those kids lol. Josh (back seat kid), sat at the station for like 5 hours. They wouldn’t let him walk to his house which was 2 blocks away lol.

awesome, i can recall myself asking dfdrocks if he wanted to die before we got in the car to jump the snowbank:rofl

I must agree. A 15mph speeding ticket is really not worth running for. Unless you had something illegal in the car, were drunk, or had a warrant then I could see doing that.

Not to come down on you but you gotta think about other people too. A simple 15 over could turn into vehicular manslaughter pretty quickly.

During my fiasco I was charged with fleeing an officer in the 3rd degree which is a misdemeanor not a felony.

During my fiasco I was charged with fleeing an officer in the 3rd degree which is a misdemeanor not a felony.