Story Time

Thanks for stating the obvious hah. I was 17 and freaked out. I’m 22 now. Would I do it again? Hell no. :). Like I said, I have no idea why I did it since I don’t drink, smoke, or do illegal shit (other than run from the cops and download stuff lol). I’m ‘straight edge’ as they say in every other aspect.

:roflyea I really didn’t want to die…I definetly don’t regret bc it was an epic jump and kick ass video to prove it…it was def worth it but it could have gone really wrong:ohnoes

No wonder you never get laid

F off mate (said with accent).

yaaaaa yaaaaa hes a virgin we get it …move on with it already

oh ya and on topic

running from a cop for 15 over is def dumb , i would run frmo a cop if i had something fast like my bike and i was doing 120+ on the radar and i knew the road

Nothing is ever “really” sealed. It will come up , for say, a pistol permit. FBI records are there, even a note can exist about an expungment… I know this to be true.

Sounded like a good lesson learned.

Oh I thought this was something recent. I didn’t read the ages before. Well at least you seem to have learned your lesson. My story was a little bit more dangerous but I had a lot to lose so I said fuck it. This was only 7 months ago but I too learned my lesson as well as how to take a bite out of life’s big shit sandwich with a smile from ear to ear.

Completely true. I just handed in my application for my carry + conceal and had to give them the deposition of my cases outcome. The bad part was all 14 offenses I was charged with were on it even though everything was dropped except for the DWI. The charges all said dropped next to them but to me the rap sheet still looked pretty bad. So even though i beat the charges in court they still came back to haunt me. I have no felonies and that was my only run in with the law so i’m hoping it all works out.

Completely true. I just handed in my application for my carry + conceal and had to give them the deposition of my cases outcome. The bad part was all 14 offenses I was charged with were on it even though everything was dropped except for the DWI. The charges all said dropped next to them but to me the rap sheet still looked pretty bad. So even though i beat the charges in court they still came back to haunt me. I have no felonies and that was my only run in with the law so i’m hoping it all works out.

WEAKKKKKK i was 17, got a 49 in a 30. it was 120$ and like 3 points at the time.

i have no crazy cop stories. just your run of the mill 10-20,71 over. nothing major.

Can vouch. :facepalm

This man is a menace.


I don’t plan on getting any guns or anything like that and my lawyer made it clear to the DA that my goal one day is to get a government job (which from my understanding tends to check history more than private companies) so I’d need as clean a record as possible. I think the DA was very nice actually in what she gave me, etc.

It hasn’t haunted me yet…so we’ll see I guess.

good luck with that man…a lot gov’t positions require a significant backround check…but they weren’t felonies and you were juvenile so you should be ok for a lot of jobs.


Man there are alot of retarded kids here. Glad we grew up.

I ran from, and got away from the cops once. I was in my ranger mini truck and just ducked off a bunch of side streets casue the cop had to go like half a mile befor he could hit the u turn. I ducked on to a farm road i know and took a bunch of different roads from there.

But i learned my lesson, the next few days later I was a retard and went to albany without my gauge cluster in the car, which =s no chargin system… battery died on the way home and I didnt have a phone… and guess who pulls over to assist me. I told him what was wrong and how I needed to use a phone. He said didnt you run from me a few days ago, I said I dont think so. he said yeah it was def this truck it is hard not to remember it… I wont ticket you, but I also am not going to help you. and got in his car and left me on the side of the road!


I got no crazy stories. Typical bull shit tickets and evading cars with flashing lights. Pretty sure Bakerian was there for one

August 24th, 2008:

Not to be a downer, but if you live in Albany county with those charges, good fing luck with a pistol permit.

I have no recollection of said event


“Let me out of the car please…”