lets see how many bad drivers we have..

list your traffic violations here: also include a story if its worth it…
I have been driving for almost 3 years…

oh god… 22 tickets which include:
Many speeding tickets…highest was 25 over.let go of a 40 over once though.

Wreckless driving: speeding with trailer and weaving in and out of traffic.

Unsafe lane changes
Unsafe passing

criminal mischeif…wrx doing donuts in school lawn…also got arrested for this…but let off cuz i used to work at the schools haha.

a few running red lights.

failure to yeild right of way to officer…(running)

And the worst one was running for a trooper at 140mph+ and being caught…officer was good friends with my dad so he wrote me for 80 in a 55.

I have recived 6 tickets at once…for speeding with a trailer.

Speeding,Wreckless driving,unsafe passing,unsafe lane change,following too closley,failure to yeild ROW to cop. He tried to charge me with opperating a vehicle with intend to kill… but i think he was just threating me.

good lord

can we get the full story on the last one?? :slight_smile:

Good lord. you suck. i got caught doing 53 in a 30 and the cop looked at me and goes “god damnit Josh I told you to slow down, go home!” lol. I have had 1 ticket, that was tinted windows. Sent it in as guilty cuz I didint want to take em off and re apply them and i never got a bill in the mail. Sent it certified mail. this was over 2 1/2 years ago and never heard from them.

got caught 3 years ago in Ohio turnpike, 80 in 65…

cops was good enough not to cite the work zone sh!t…lol…

paid the ticket…no points xfered…


Pulled over for 45 in 35, 75 in 35, 110 in 55, 90 in 60…no tickets (suckers)

actually did get a tint ticket in tonawanda…grrr…

I’ve gotten several Speeding Tickets.
85 in 55, 50 in 35, 85 in 55, 80 in 55-dropped, 84 in 55
headlight out-dropped, loud muffler-dropped, failure to yield-dropped, following to close-dropped

Dropped meaning I didn’t pay anything
others were lowered and yes I still have a clean record, going on 5 years driving.

Funnny, I’ve been cought racing many times and all I have gotten let off of with nothing, been cought a few times screwing around in snow, all of those have been let off of and I have many times gone well over 100 and even a few times 140-165 and never cought there…

It’s really great how all the real illegal stuff I dont get cought on… :tup:

dude, 22 tickets in 3 years is the best i have ever heard.

people are usually amazed by my record… 16 tickets, in 7 years… 5 in court right now.

5 speeding
4 license plate violations (2 no front, 2 blurred rear)
2 blown reds
1 improper turn
1 noise (speeding but raced into my driveway, not a traffic offense in own driveway)
1 failure to show insurance (slip outdated but had legit reason)
1 plates not matching ownership (negotiated out of it with cop)
1 cant remember, but i know there is 16

despite all this i have pretty cheap insurance for ontario and will be working out something in the Us to drive it down further…

Had my licence for 2 months and in one night got:
Unsafe start
Unsafe Speed
No insurance
No Glass’s

Got a truck and backed over a civic…
i know its not a ticket but my insurance company sure loved it 981$ in damage

Got my 1st camaro an exceeded 12points in 3 months
67-30, 75-45, 90-65

Got my 2nd Camaro and got another 10 points
i cant count the tickets i got out of… or the ones i had to take

Anyone from ubrf that knows me can attest that i was by far the worst driver ever…

iin 8 yrs of driving i’ve gotten 3 speeding tickets, all reduced to parking tickets. 2 no front plate tickets, 2 “modified exhaust” tickets, and 2 imprudent speed tickets (also reduced to parking tickets).

badazz…lets hear your story…:lol:

not enough time in the world for that story

2003: wrong way on one way street (UNMARKED!!! My ticket went to pay for the sign to mark it though.)

blew through a red arrow
speeding (98 in a 65) with “following too closely” (pleaded down to 6 points total, originally 12 points)

speeding: (46 in a 35)
Unsafe start (spun the wheels accidentally from a redlight on wet pavement…)

Speeding: (“40” in a 30) Lackawanna cop got me at 50mph on Abbott, but because I pulled onto a side street and had my lic/reg ready before he even got out of the car and I was nice to him, he knocked it down a few mph. :tup: to him
Speeding: (84 in a 55) 219, trooper. need I say more?

lol which one? the one where we were on the loop? ooohhh man I never seen something so crazy/funny

I’ve managed to only get nailed once for speeding, and the funny thing was, I wasnt even fucking speeding that time /grrr… Was like 59 in a 45 on transit, but there was no way in fuck I was going that fast.

4 yrs of driving

1 no front plate
1 no seatbelt
1 speeding, 70 in a 55 redcued to a parking ticket
1 inadequate muffler

ive gotten over 40+tickets since i was 16. id say 95% of them i have gotten out of. The one i dident get out of was a 101 in a 55 in PA. Most of my friends have seen this one framed on my bedroom door


1 - 71 in a 55 (reduced)

:tup: I think. did you get arrested for it? (:tup: if you didn’t I mean)


nope i dident…thought i was though