Rap Sheet

I was thinking last night (right after the officer said i could go… ticket…), i wonder what the NECC guys have for a rap sheet (driving only). I know nothing to brag about but still wanna know if you have any.

My list:
Photo Radar (42 Kph Over)
Photo Radar (17 Kph Over)
Speeding Ticket: Radar(20 Kph Over)

And please keep the comments that of “rubbing face” nature to none, just wondering…

Not mine but a friend got an excessive acceleration from 0-30km/h ticket. The cop had a beef with him at the time.

100% clean record.

No tickets for something like 12 years. I want to speed but now I have some sort of lame pride in my clean license. Yes, I know it is dumb.

Hmmm Where to start.

About 2 weeks ago i got a letter in the mail. Reminding me 8 of my 15 demerits are gone.

Speeding (laser 27 over) reduced to 12 over
Speeding (39 over Radar) reduced to 26 over
Speeding (laser 11 over ) Reduced to 5 over
Disobeying a stop sign Reduced to failing to obey a road sign.

I probably got some more but i forget them all

And about 6 exhasut tickets, but none since my new motor. (4 were thrown out)

excessive 0-30km/h?! There is a fucking ticket for that! :axe: Thats retarded…by the way…what has his time?! :smiley: jk

Clean. For now…

1 speeding ticket (68 in a 50)
1 photo radar (69 in a 50)
2 exhaust tickets (115 $ each, one was thrown out)

Care to elaborate? Nobody wants to share the secret on beating the exhaust tickets for some reason.

The only times I’ve been pulled over were both of my exhaust tickets this summer :roll:

Haven’t had a ticket in the Sentra yet, but 6 years ago I got 4 tickets in 4 months with my Corvette:

  1. 135 in a 100 on the highway. Pretty sure he got the wrong car, but I was in a pack travelling at around the same speeds and the bright orange car tends to stand out.

  2. 92 in a 50 on Stony Plain Road. Geniunely had no idea I was going that fast, I thanked the cop for stopping me that time.

  3. 105 in an 80 on the Whitemud. Asked the cop for a break after being polite and he just snickered. Fucker.

  4. 125 in 100 on the way to Cold Lake. Nice cop, but no breaks there either.

I’m really surprised I haven’t been pulled in the Sentra yet - besides the fact that it’s bright yellow, I’m pretty much always doing 15 over, even if I’m not in a hurry. I guess family cars just aren’t as exciting to give tickets to as sports cars? :E

Care to elaborate? Nobody wants to share the secret on beating the exhaust tickets for some reason.

The only times I’ve been pulled over were both of my exhaust tickets this summer :roll:[/quote]

umm they were only thrown out because they were 4 in 5 days all from the same cop.

The others i just pay because i know it is illegal. Oh well there are stupider laws out there

Speeding, 19 over. (was actually going 31 over but cop cut me a break)
Driving on the wrong side of the road. This is actually a funny story, but basicly I was busted for quickly parking on the other side of the street.

Then of course the endless parking tickets, 2 headlight tickets and a no proof of insurance ticket. Oh, and no registration.

I’m glad you cut the mullet before showing up to our meets. :slight_smile:

I got one speeding ticket about three years ago. I think it was a 63 in a 50, right when the speed limit drops from 60 to 50.

I also got one fail to stop at a stop sign around the same time. I pulled up to the stop sign of a T-intersection. The one road wasn’t complete yet and there were no houses built so I just rolled through as I had yet to see a vehicle drive down the road yet.

So many excuses…

driving with undue care and attention
90 in a 60
and most recently 96 in a 60 i think i cant really remember…

-Dangerous driving ticket reduced to unsafe lane change
-1 laser radar ticket 15 km over
-3 photoradar ticket all between 10 and 20 km over
-13+ complaints on my license plate
-1 seatbelt ticket and 1 seatbelt warning
-Warning for 15 km over

lets see… this is hard to think of…

1.Pulled over for a warning… i passed a ghost car (actually truck it was a ghost truck… Ford explorer) but i noticed his arm patch as i was going by and sure enough has soon as i pulled back infront of him i seen the lights come on…
2. Speeding ticket, radar 129 in a 90 zone
3. Accedent, wrote off my 92 Hyunadai Scoupe… Following to close ticket
4. speeding 90 in a 50 zone
5. suspended liceance for 2 months
6. 5 Photo Radar tickets all in various ranges
7. Pulled over for a warning.
8. Laser Radar trap 64 in a 50 zone… on 99th where they always sit… but the car beside me was being a jack ass and i couldn’t get to the far right hand lane to pull over to get gas… so i sped up to get in front and around him and blam they were sittin on the next block… but i got it reduced to a not follwing a road sign ticket with no demarets and 130 doller fine…
9. pulled over for a warning in BC

Oh wow, where to start.

Ive had:

a stunting ticket (got no demerits on it)
-consisted of an officer watching me do a big smokey drift at 2 in the morning in industrial area and then going wide open throttle down the road to well over triple the speed limit…but he liked my car so only gave me a stunting and then we chatted about cars for 15 minutes

a 50 over reduced to 35 over (didnt feel like going to court for it so i got some demerits)
-consisted of my radar going off on the highway, and full braking from 180 km/h, getting clocked decelerating through 151 and still getting a reduction

a 30 over reduced to 15 over (fought it and got no demerits)
-run of the mill speeding in town

widened muffler ticket (got it thrown out)
-intentionally revving at a cop when i was infront of a semi he was behind…as such, was thrown out in court

a 30 over (fought it for no demerits)
-consisted of wide open throttle around a corner, little waggle of the rear end, then getting clocked decelerating through 80 km/h from who knows what

a driving left of center ticket (fought it for no demerits and reduction to 100 dollars)

  • chuku dori for half a kilometer, officer saw whole thing, and appreciated the skill and my choice of having no traffic or pedestrians around, but none the less had to ticket me for something

Anyway, thats my itinerary. By no means am i proud of these tickets, but i will add that any of my drifting/excessive speeding tickets were done in good visibility, with no traffic, no pedestrians, and generally at late hours of the night.

Someone has much fortune in their life, haha. Your one lucky guy.

Ill just say that my record beats all of yours! Guarenteed

Can we get this moved to the members only section?

Only two seatbelt tickets for me, and countless exhaust warnings from my old redneck truck.

Maybe if in lethbridge it wasnt so easy to get tickets reduced and get no demerits, i would have slowed down by now… :lol:

But word of advice, if you go to court, the best thing to do is fill out a case resolution form as soon as you get your ticket issued, then set up a phone appointment with the crown prosecutor about 3 weeks before the court date mentioning that the reason you cant be in to see him is because your currently in class at the university (which is true in my case). Get things cleared up on the phone as much as possible (while mentioning that your a poor student etc. etc.), and then wear some nice clothes to court and go talk with him again, at this point he will remember who you are, and then you get shoved right through the line when court session starts, and will most likely come away with no demerits. This has worked on a stunting ticket for me, and the others that i got reduced etc.