lets see how many bad drivers we have..

either you are a very law-abiding driver, or you’re just that damn good at not getting caught. Which is it?

that’s cool. somebody once told me that if you break 100mph (regardless of the limit…) that you’d get arrested if they caught you.

:banghead: 4 tickets in 1 year
84 in a 65
driving with suspended registration
driving with no insurance
driving with suspended license
i didnt know it was all suspended.Iv gotten off when i was kind of drunk still and hade to take a sobriety test.The cop made me call my mom rather then give me a breathalyzer.:slight_smile:

91 in a 60, 86 in a 65, failure to control, failure to control :smiley:

Both FTC’s were from accidents. I fell asleep at 3 am on the way home for the first one, tanked a parked car. Second accident I clipped a curb and car bounced into a phone pole and totalled my car.

Shit happens.

1.75 years driving

no tickets

one accident. hit a tree in winter. grrrrr

coming up on having my license for 3 years, and 4 cars later:

driving my moms pimp Tarus wagon: 2 weeks after getting mylicense, i got pulled over in lancaster for ‘making an illegal u-turn’ however after the cop yelled at me, he realized that the No-U Turn sign had been knocked down and was no longer visable, so i got off of that.

1988 Chevy 1500: ticket for tint on ONE window (it was a regular cab, and i had to replace the passenger side window and never got it re-tinted). that was in Amherst, and not only did i get out of that, i got the cop that gave it to me in deep shit haha.

1984 Porsche 944:
-rolling though a stop sign (you know how if theres no cars coming u put it in second gear and kinda roll though) which apparently a cop saw from 4 blocks down the street. got out of that one (in amherst)
-got one in Tonawanda for aftermarket exhaust, but i prooved to them it was the stock exhaust (i just drilled about 20 holes in the muffler to make it louder lol) and got out of that
-got ‘warned’ about having a radar detector when going over the boarder into Canada (i explained to the boarder agent that it was the first time i had driven into Canada and was unaware of the law so he let me keep but told me to lock it in my glove box and told me not to use it and leave it home next time)

1998 Dakota R/T:
-had a cop pull me over and try to tell me my rollpan was an equipment violation cuz it wasnt metal. i dropped some names (amherst) and he told me to have a nice day
-no front plate (amherst)
-no front plate (tonawanda)
-no front plate (amherst)
-no fromt plate (amherst, got a ticket, paid it and put my front plate on)
-was about to get pulled over in amherst either for speeding or an unsafe start, and the cop tried getting behind me, and i made a quick right (he was forced to go straight though the intersection) i went down a few side streets, came in the back way to Mighty, hid behind a few cars for a while, went home parked in the garage for the night and nothing ever came of it.
-ticket for these ‘tinted’ license plate covers i had, i just took them off cuz one was craked from my accident anywa, and the ticket got dropped (amherst)

incase u are wondering, my mom wokrs for the Amherst Police, as does her best friend, and i kno her 4 bosses (all capitans and leutennats) on a first name basis, i kno an officer that is a client at my work (real cool guy, LOVES the truck haha, the Cpaitan and head of the Traffic division is a very close friend of my families, and my one neighbor is an Amherst cop. and no, i can;t get you out of any tickets.

Anything 30+ over the speed limit is considered wreckless driving and they can arrest you and impound the car. So you don’t even have to go over 100 mph. Or if you double the speed limit they can arrest you too, but more than likely if you’re doubling the speed limit you’re doing more than 30 mph over the limit.

I’ve gotten 3 tickets in the past 2 weeks. All of them bullshit. The first two are my exhaust being too loud, its bullshit because i have a full exhaust and i got a second ticket because i was driving past 9. yes im not 18 and didnt take drivers ed. the third one was for my rear license plate not being lit properly. the lense that covers the bulb was dirty. i got lucky tho because i was doing 70 in a 55 and i was driving past 9 :smiley: the cop was cool and let those go.

not unless youre doing 50 in a 25 :slight_smile:

Right, that’s why I said more than likely if you’re doubling the speed limit you’re 30 over, but not ALWAYS.

Two speeding tickets in the last 20+ years, even though I regularly drive like a madman. You need to know when it’s safe (in all aspects of the word) to speed and when it’s not.

Yeah i know, the only street i know thats 25 is Brompton. i was just bein a smart ass

So true. I dont drive like a total fuckhead, but I still drive semi agressively and my only speeding ticket was 5 years for a 51 in a 40.

Other tickets include, overdue inspection, tint, headlight out, and a no seatbelt. It amazes me how many tickets some of you guys have and are actually proud of them.


I have seen your way of getting out of tickets first hand: yank ebrake, 180, take off in other direction. LMFAO that was awsome. :lol:

Wreckless driving… wheelie
Wreckless driving… wheelie
Unsafe Start… wheelie (seeing a pattern yet?)
Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle… running
110 in a 55…
68 in a 40…
55 in a 40
Running a redlight… (right on red, no stop)

i used to get pulled over 1x a month… i normally get off though… just be courteous and pull right over…

driving for three years…

pulled over 3 times…let go twice. (names dropped etc.)

one accident. totalled my cousins car and $3,000 worth of damage to my dads durango.


you didn’t go to jail (according to PA law)??

None,meaning its never been counted against me.

I’ve been pulled over twice for speeding and I got out of it.Pulled over for a loud muffler,ticketed and had it taken care of an hour later :lol:

I speed,im no granny behind the wheel,my eyesight is good and im very alert.

5 years of driving.

i did a official count the other day its 26 tickets with out one point on my license. inclusing 5 tickets in one stop(got off without a fine on that one)

about 7-8 tickets in 9 years. mostly speeding and expired inspections.

nothing in a few years though.