Niagara County travlers... beware

This asshole State trooper in a SUV always hides in peoples drive ways catching about 3-4 speeders every Wednesday-Friday in about 3 hours on Jagow / Sy road (Wheatfield); adjacent to my house. I’m sure no one really cares… reason for posting:

The side street is a short cut to get to Shred and Regan’s cruise night so if anyones headed that way be on the look out. Wednesdays he gets quite a few speeders and what not. Also there’s an unmarked tan Impala cop cruising up and down these streets as well the pass couple of days.

I didn’t know cops could hide in someones driveway :wtf:


I didn’t know cops could hide in someones driveway :wtf:


Pretty sure they have to have the owner’s permission. If they tried that in my driveway I’d tell them to get off my property.

Well, on second thought maybe not because anyone speeding on my quiet little side street where kids are always playing deserves to get nailed. I’d probably roll my Expedition along side him so he could hide behind it. :slight_smile:


This asshole State trooper in a SUV always hides in peoples drive ways catching about 3-4 speeders every Wednesday-Friday in about 3 hours on Jagow / Sy road (Wheatfield); adjacent to my house. I’m sure no one really cares… reason for posting:

The side street is a short cut to get to Shred and Regan’s cruise night so if anyones headed that way be on the look out. Wednesdays he gets quite a few speeders and what not. Also there’s an unmarked tan Impala cop cruising up and down these streets as well the pass couple of days.

I didn’t know cops could hide in someones driveway :wtf:


I am almost positive they can’t. They are not allowed to setup on private property. Any sort of dwelling or complex that does not use/encompass public roads are off limits to running radar.

I’m thinking the peoples driveway he sits in are the ones that complained and he asked permission.

thats pretty ballsy unless he has permission…

could you imagine coming home from work or something and there is a trooper parked in your driveway… or you were speeding and he ticketed you from your driveway… that would suck

maybe he lives there


maybe he lives there


No way, its not only one house, its several up and down the street

All your neighbors probably just hate you for speeding and they all gave the cop permission to setup radar traps all around you. :wink:


All your neighbors probably just hate you for speeding and they all gave the cop permission to setup radar traps all around you. :wink:


quoted for truth, when I pull in my driveway the little girl next door crys. My neighbor (Niagara county sheriff), his kids are pulled away 10ft by mommy waiting for the bus when I leave in the morning during school days. Their’s no doubt in my mind they have it out for me but I dont speed :cool: so its all good