What undercover PD cars have you spotted in your area?

Driving home about 10 mins. ago from the doctors, I was going down 155 doing about 45 or so. I heard my Ka come on 1 blip, I figure no big deal probably some cop way out driving arouind with his radar on. I noticed a dark red impala waiting to turn right, but I thought nothing of it. It had NOTHING on it, looked like some old guy driving it. So the speed limit ahead turns to 30 so I just slowly let off the gas, slowing down to around 42mph or so. All of a sudden my Ka goes full strength :wtf and I slam on the brakes down to about 30-35. I look behind me and I see the Impala, and no other cars around. The Ka is still full. I turned into my neighborhood, and the guy follows. Ka still all the way on. :wtf So watch out for this guy. I was going to blow 40-45 down the part of 155 that turns into 30mph if it wasn’t for my radar going insane. Funny thing is I remember seeing this car before but I thought absolutely nothing of it when I saw him behind me (that is, until my Ka went off). So keep a sharp eye out, looks like the PD is getting more undercover vehicles to pull people over with. The town must not be generating enough revenue using the traditional method of pulling people over. :crackup

PIC: It looked just like this car, minus the rear spoiler and fancy rims (The undercovercocksucker’s car had hubcaps).


Whats killing me is the all the new motorcycle cops up here. I’m not used to them being that we never had them for the longest time. So i’m never actually looking for white harley’s driving around as far as cops go. The other day I got pulled over for being on my cell phone, by a bike cop. I looked right AT him at the intersection checking out the bike while I was on my phone. It took me a minute to realize something was different. He pulled me over, we bullshitted about his bike and riding and he let me go. But it was still new to me.

Whereabouts up north are you?

i saw you coming down 155, i beeped but i guess u were listening to music, i saw that same motherfucker! :angry2 :wtf

I dont understand why you guys are so surprised… they have been doing this for years. Usually cops that work traffic use the undercover cars (that and the brass).

Colonie has bikes as well.

i hate unmarked cars. thats like cheating. id be seriously doubtfull if one of them blipped me with K band and hit me with strobes, id prolyl pull into a gas station or something.

niskayuna has the same car you speak of in dark blue. they also have the next generation up impala in silver. you’ll find that car on rt. 7 almost 100% of the time.



He’s the one that camps out right at the bottom of the hill across from Lia Kia.
He actually gave me a ticket for my brake light being out when I told him I was having a problem with them blowing, and showed him receipts from the past two weeks where I had my lights changed four times. Heartless prick.

sweet license plate. SIMS Honda is where i almost bought an S2000 from :ninja

dont break the law, dont worry about it.


That’s why I drive like a paranoid little fruit cake most of the time. :sad


Yeah, I see that clown all the time with the silver one, black steelies. Before I got my radar he actually pulled me over :lol: It was like when I first got my SS, like the 1st week or so of owning it. Coming home from somewhere at like 2am. He got me for 62 in the 45 zone on route 7 but let me go. :number1

Ah shit man, I must have missed you. I was blasting my new itunes playlist so yeah I probably didn’t hear it. :lol

ive been at the bar before with him and his brother, both are nisky cops. pretty cool guys actually.

Yeah, he seemed like it. He was cool when he pulled me over, just asked me for my tags and told me to slow down and have a good night. Is it the same guy all the time that’s in the car or do they switch officers and use the same car? Any idea?

They used to use white crown vic’s with no light bars on them. You could still tell it was a cop car. Now I see them using Impalas like the one pictured above, regular-looking SUV’s, etc… Impossible to tell unless you have a radar or know the car already.

I always slow down when I see an Impala or Crown Vic in my mirrors.

the guy who used to drive it probably pulled you over, someone else has it now, officer walsh moved to the patrol supervisor car