Speed Trap

Just in case anybody is going to be driving on the 400 this morning, there is a speed trap set up.

saw 3 people pulled over, and one waiting to catch someone. So just a heads up.

yep. passed right by the Black Trailblazer sitting on top of the ramp shooting into the 400

^ yeah he’s there all the time, I make sure I am riding the shoulder an inch away from it.

^^ :lol: i actually wanted to stop today behind him, get out of my car and walk up pretending that he was a stranded motorist or something and ask if he needed some help just to see what the response would have been.

that would be awesome, document!

that would be classic

okay, I have a question
I am rather interested in how radar and laser guns work, Do you think If I walked up to the trail blazer and politley asked the officer if I could sit with him and just watch him tag a few cars, would he let me?

My luck, I’d get arrested for interfering or something./

you should definately try it and post your findings!

Sweet, I always wanted to know what my car would top out at, but my speedo is way off. :tspry:

5.0 are everywhere these last two days. i got nailed yesterday going to turn in a paper

Police cars here are only factory tuned.If you can do better than 180K they can’t catch you, so they don’t even try.


annnnd… anyone think its associated with this?


mabe evolve was right.

how many police depatments do you guys think know about NYSPEED?

i dont smoke pot though

Oh, I dunno what you’re talking about. :shrug:


this has been discussed…


by union? They were there from 7am to almost noon. Sitting on the bridge:snky: