Thank you Mr NYS Trooper

A word to the wise- watch your speeds on the local thruways 990, 290, 90 and 190.

Long story short, i got nailed for 83 in a 55 today, and talked my way out of it ( not telling how i got out of it) . The trooper told me he is shooting laser and that in the 4 hours he had been on patrol, he had pulled over 16 cars and wrote 15 speeding tickets. He also said that the NYS police have been getting numerous complaints about people speeding around here and that they are going to be enforcing the speed limit like never before.

I should also add they are doing radar in pairs or 3. So if you see someone pulled over, dont assume that another trooper isnt sitting 1/2 mile down the highway becasue they are doing that.

Where you on the bike?

Nice either way. I had to be doing 20+ over a half hour ago on the bike and blew by a trooper, I’m very lucky he didn’t start following me

Especially watch the 219 area between 20A in Orchard Park and the Ridge Road Lackawana exit. The area by Milestrip is being greatly patrolled and I saw the same cop with someone pulled over on four separate occasions of passing him all in the same day within 4 hours.

Meh, I was just coming back on the 219 and had a trooper pass ME while I was going 85 lol

whats new about this ?

on south western BLVD by all the dealers, the troopers are actually shooting laser in the construction zones.
I’ve NEVER seen them use the laser gun on roads other than thruways (219,90,290etc)

They do it on transit near main in williamsville in the work zone up here too, during off peak hours.

Amherst likes using motorcycle cops for guns/lasers whatever.

Anyway, the 290 has been really covered lately, I think every time I’ve been on it someones been pulled over. Also, I don’t know where they sit, but Walden Avenue exits always have people pulled over going either direction, must be hiding on the on ramps or something.

they sit at the william on ramps, i see them there all the time

…Almost 30 over and he let you go?

Hmmmm. So, what did it take?

ugh i just got a ticket on the 190 for 95 in a 55 and he gave me no break ugh im so screwed.

Surprised he didn’t take your license right there.

im surprised so many people speed by that much. i limit myself to 10over and thats only if im with a group of cars. you guys doing 20+ the speed limit are just asking for trouble.

I call BS. Have you ever heard of anyone calling the police to complain about speeders anywhere except residential neighborhoods?

ya im fuckin sure its because of “complaints”. we are in the middle of the recession people, the state needs MONEY!!

I’m guessing a really good technique and cupping the balls. :slight_smile:

Also explains why he didn’t want to tell us the details.

There was a couple of NYS troopers on the 990 in weird spots yesterday shooting radar…

no in my car.

They’ve doing this since April, not really a shocker.

I dont get why people speed at all … this is a great way to save money drive the fucking speed limt … I really dont get it

if you speed you will get a ticket ~$150 to get to said place ~7 min faster …

but the 219 has them everyday I have started to :wave: at them they :wave: back …lol(true story)