Speed Trap

i know, i know. i edited.

sorry :frowning:

Plz 4giv meh?

Not many… Why would they care?

yep…right by union.

Thats were i got off this morning.


another speed trap today right before the union exit

Having huge NYSPEED.COM stickers plastered on your cars when some of you morons get pulled over isn’t going to give them the idea to check out the site is it?

lol, yea, okay.

just like they are going to check out every HKS, R3V, or other sticker on a car.


shut up skunk.

wow…awesome contribution to this thread kyle.

you DOLT

It’s memorial day weekend.
I’m surprised they don’t have naked women holding up signs saying “go fast and i’ll suck your d***”
and a speed track set up 500ft past it.

Almost every department has a cop on a “light duty” desk job with nothing to do. This sticker might be a bit different with “speed” in the name and all. Just saying.

290 is littered with Staties 5/23, too!

I see what you’re saying, but I think it’s a pretty slim possibility.

Off the top of my head there is:

IOW, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. But I don’t have any graphics on any of my cars either. :slight_smile:

and,. they can’t view this site unless they are a member…and there are strict entrance standerds right? :slight_smile:

Well, someone let you in.


Apparently not strict spelling standArds either.

My spelling is PRETTY danm good compared to others on here.
But no, it’s not my strong point.

And, I do add to this forum, unlike a lot of people.

dood, relax, just busting your hump… :wink:

I’ve lost track of people who legitimately dislike me on here. The number grows daily…or should I say, after each new post.

Used MS Word to post so you wouldn’t misspell anything, right? Hahaha.

Anyway, it’s all good.

haha yeah the font is different