Speed Trap

Nah, I was playing around with the font :slight_smile: srsly

or firefox that has spell check

my laptop (mac) has spell check when I type in safari. but iā€™m on my parents computer upstairs which does not, and iā€™m so used to typing w/o proof reading, hence my mistakes.

but anyways, how bout them speed traps?

I dunno if itā€™s just in anticipation of the weekend or this is here for good but it seems a lot more cops out on the 90 these days.

All of last year the 400 was always littered between Union and Seneca street but now I have yet to see any of them out that way.

I never see troopers fighting real crime, itā€™s always the townies that deal with the domestics and robberies ectā€¦ the troopers just sit and pray on motorists.

I was speaking in the strict sense of speed enforcement but I agree, you rarely see the state bacon busting up a robbery.

i think its alot to do with this weekend. Alot of schools have prom this weekend i think

but there has been an influx of cops the past few weeks

Ya um about that. State Police are not a ā€œcivil serviceā€ like local or county. State police rarely get involved in the everyday or mundane when it comes to crime. They are more concerned with the larger developing crimes and big busts.

Why would you want state police to get involved when you have a local or county PD? If the backup is required, or the local PD is very small, a state trooper in the area always shows up from what Iā€™ve seen.

Oh I dunno, if I was being assaulted by a rival gang of thugs I would want the State Police to get involved so I would end up dead rather than waiting for the local PD.

Because a state police car that could be withing a 25 mile radius is most likely going to show up faster than a local PD car. Gotcha.

If a call like that came in and a state car was right there of course heā€™s going to haul ass to the scene, odds are he wonā€™t be though.

As someone who grew up in a town without a town police force I saw plenty of state cops doing every day crime duty. You donā€™t see it here because there is no need for it with all the town cops and county cops.

State Police are not going to be first responders in WNY because theyā€™re not stationed that way. If we didnā€™t have 15 municipal police forces and 2 county police forces youā€™d see a lot more State Police, and theyā€™d be the ones responding to your 911 calls.

<---- has been taken home in a State Police cruiser for throwing eggs on Halloween when younger. :slight_smile:

thanks for the warningā€¦ ill be heading out there laterā€¦ :slight_smile:

Anyway, back on topic, the State Police have been out in record force on the highways lately. A couple weeks ago I went to Rochester and back and saw 8 people pulled over and 2 more radar traps just waiting for a victim. Thatā€™s going beyond ā€œprotect and serveā€ and moving into ā€œarmed tax collectorā€ status.

Slow down out there boys and girls.

^^ Word, iā€™m driving out to Roch tomorrow morning, it would be interesting to get a count for cops on memorial day weekend

at houses or little trick-or-treatā€™ers?? Hahaha.

on a nicer day this spring, I counted ~18 police traps from the mass pike to buffalo.
Iā€™m not even going to comment on that at all.

Iā€™m driving to Vermont tomorrow for a few days there. I will be doing an exact 65mph the whole way, and I will surely count the number of staties I see tagging minor, harmless speeders for a quick buck.

the 90 from buffalo to albany is the WORST road to travel, talking to plenty of truck drivers, they say between the amount of speed enforcement and the high tolls, they HATE driving it.

Iā€™m sure they are hungry for moneyā€¦ Gas is over $4!!!

Be prepared to see some stupid tickets this summer, and a lot of good threads started because of it. :slight_smile:

YEAH fucking right, as far as NYSPEED knows, iā€™ll have zero tickets.
I promise I wonā€™t start another thread about a violation, unless, itā€™s comical