question about cops.....

so I was driving in whitehall yesterday… and As Im driving on the road off of 51 thats next to eat n park… I cannot recall what it was called… A whitehall cop was sitting in a Persons 1 car driveway clocking people… my question is this…

Is a police officer legally allowed to sit in someones driveway… a home owners driveway and clock people?

Yes. They must have the property owners permission as far as I know. I have seen that a few times, thinking it was solely a driveway, but it was in fact a access road to a couple of houses.

I’m pretty sure they can clock you from anywhere, although it may differ from district to district.

dunno i was pissed i got clocked when a cop was sitting in someone’s driveway. it was more less a trap.
i think if home owner gives consent then they are allowed to sit in driveway

they always sit there…

The better question is, what a-hole gives a cop permission to sit in their driveway and clock people. I’d say no before they finished asking.

probably people that call and complain about speeding.

yea i hate those people.

meh… If they asked me I’d say yes and try to get on their good side…

Another good note is that they will never catch you speeding on that road because you will slow down to go in and out of the drive.

They used to sit in my apartment complex on a road that i probably would typically fly down. Its was good he was always there. I always waved and smiled pulling in too.

I’m one of those a-holes. I drive fast, but I also try to respect where I am when I do it.
In the few years I’ve lived here, I’ve had multiple cars miss the bend and end up in my front yard. One was inches from taking out a corner of the house. All night long morons in their redneck trucks and Rustangs think the side street next to my house is a skidpad and burnout pit. Which is cool; I did that too when I was younger, but not at 3am.
So, hell yeah I’m letting someone try to bust them. Plus, it’s good to get on the cop’s good side, because when I’m flying down the backwoods part of my area, I’m sure I’ll get some leniency if pulled over.

Home owners need to thionk though… if person gets cought speeding from my driveway… would said person cme back and damage house…? Just a thought.

Let 'em try… I’d think if something happened to my house, I’d get a good tip from the cop in my driveway just who it might be.
My chances right now are greater that someone will plow in to the front of my house from driving like a moron, though. So I’ll take my chances.
Drive fast somewhere else. Don’t have beer-horsepower on the bend in front of my house, lol.

yeah… i mean you’re semi-hypocritical because you rip around ‘back roads’ which is where other people live… but who cares… I’m with you…

someone messes with the house, i have ‘home owners protection’ (guns) and a cop that just wrote a ticket and has everything documented…

It’s a matter of location, very dependent, if there are a lot of kids in a neighborhood or something of that nature, then I’m all for it, too many people drive like assholes on the wrong roads.

Dont worry Dan if they pull out just drop the hammer on the sr …police cars cant drift yo…
seriously though the police have come into my driveay on occasion and not asked …(I wasnt home)…when I came home I was like WTF . he waved and pulled out of my driveway.

lol… No I didnt get a ticket… I just wondered to myself… If I came outside and there was a cop sitting in my one car driveway trying to pull people over in front of my house I would be rather pissed off…

I’ve seen cops numerous times sitting in people’s driveways and figured the same, as long as they acquire permission, they can sit there.

That’s what I’m saying. When I say I fly on “back roads”, I mean out where I live, “back roads” mean “nothing but farms” in most cases, and no residential areas in all cases. No less legal, but much less involvement of another party or their property in the event of a crash. Hypocritical, maybe, but I’m not going to fly around a bend of a residential street like people do in front of my house.
I’ve got next door neighbors with small kids playing in the yard. They just moved in. I had to tell him to watch the kids in the front yard because people totally misjudge the bend and end up in his yard more than mine.
I’m just trying to keep my bend from becoming “drift central”.

The way I feel is FTP , but when they actually do thier jobs not harrass people I mean you gotta have em… the thing is not everyone knows theres a time you can speed and enjoy driving your performance car and a time not to… rippin on back roads surrounded by fields? hell yea ! a nieghborhood full of kids and houses ? not too smart !

I disagree with all this ‘rippin’ on back roads’ crap. You can still kill someone even if it a road not a lot of people are on… or live on. My parents live in the middle of nowhere and most every road is surrounded by miles of flat corn fields. People die every year from head on collisions, speeding, missing bends and crossing the yellow… even flipping the car into a ditch full of irrigation water and drowning. I can’t begin to think about how many times I’ve been on back roads and one of you kids has come ‘ripping around a back road bend’ on my side of the road almost killing both of us. Speed limits are set for a reason, to protect other motorists, AND yourself.

The way I feel is FTP , but when they actually do thier jobs not harrass people I mean you gotta have em… the thing is not everyone knows theres a time you can speed and enjoy driving your performance car and a time not to… rippin on back roads surrounded by fields? hell yea ! a nieghborhood full of kids and houses ? not too smart !