cops like to be CRAZY *pics*

so what’s wrong with that picture!? guess.
ohhhh!! it looks like there’s a cop driving toward me in MY LANE.

but no, he’s just parked IN the road on TOP of the hill. wow. so we turned around to take pictures…
and noticed someone was getting arrested.

ah, I see. you can park in a road if you’re arresting someone. got it.

as my sister and I drove off, we observed people trying to get around the cop car by crossing the double yellow, almost colliding with the people going in the other direction.



Do you always drive in the passengers seat?

my sister was taking the pictures… I was driving.

Oh, because I thought you were pretty talented. I guess you could say I’m fairly dissappointed now.


hey, I thought this post would get more interesting responses…
something other than " wow, these pictures were taken from the passenger’s seat"

So my real question is… there is no ditch there, and the ground looks quite parched/stable. So why didn’t he pull of the road some onto the gras like most normal people do?

But no, he decides to leave the cop car in the middle of the road on top of a blind grade. :bloated:

cause he owns the road and can do anything he wants :rolleyes:

I don’t get it… I’ve seen cops do that a million time. What about if they’re turned the other way while having some pulled over? They have to stick out into the road so nosey on-lookers don’t hit them while they’re at the person’s door…

Firstly, he doesn’t have a CAR pulled over. And secondly, he is stopped on a blind grade, where there is more than enough room to be off the road. There isn’t an excuse for him to be stopped in the middle of the blind grade in the middle of the road. If he was pulling over a car, then I could see it.

True… but maybe he didn’t have time to think of where a good place to “stand” was. You see the guy you’ve been trying to arrest and bam… pull over, get out and arrest him. Then go on your merry way.

When something goes wrong for you, do you have to conciously think to pull over off the road some? I know that when I stop, it’s habituary. “Hey, I’m stopping, so I better get off the road some.”

I bet you he had a lot of time to think. when we first saw the car, were two people outside sitting on the ground and he was talking to them. there was no “bam”, I’m sure of it. it wasn’t a quick arrest… he had plenty of time. erin and I saw them bring out papers for the cop and then when we turned, we saw someone being arrested. it was a very calm situation.

I don’t see why he couldn’t have pulled into their driveway… that would’ve been fine. he could make the arrest while his car was in a safer location.

there’s no way around it- the car is parked in a really stupid spot and there is no defending him… especially if you weren’t there to see it.

Well like others have said… he’s a cop. I was just trying to play devil’s advocate.

send it to the police department

ive met cops like him b4 … he simply oesnt give a damn …hes a cop and if you hit his car, its your fault no matter what …because thats the way hes gonna write it up

some cops juts dont think because they think that their job allows them to be stupid

like that one cop “we” met that claims if a drunkard throws a beer bottle at a car and it breaks, there wont be any damage to the cars paint :bloated:

Like you did a better job pulling out of ‘O’ Friday night.:roll:

Hey now sista don’t be getting all sassy with me.

Actually, police do this to slow down traffic. Why is it a big deal? Also, it could have very well been a chase and thats where he stopped to grab someone.

And judging by those pictures it was probably a 45mph street at most. Thats more than enough time to slow down.

I love how everyone looks at what cops do and have something negative to say. :rolleyes: