cops like to be CRAZY *pics*


:word: x09234509245093460593860934

Thanks for saying it.

it’s a big deal because it could cause an accident. is that not a big deal?

yay, they can slow down traffic by parking in the road on the top of a hill… but how about pulling OFF the road and turning on their lights to warn people instead…?? but really, why do they need to slow down traffic for an arrest on someone’s lawn?

and yeah, there was a 40-45 mph speed limit posted. but you know? WHO goes 40 in a 40 on a long straight country road? a lot of people don’t, in a ROW.

So really, I don’t care if you want to defend cops dude. do it all you want.
I still think this guy is an idiot. and people always have something negative to say about cops because there’s always something negative to say about them.

Who cares, get on with it. He’s arresting someone = doing his job. I think there are obstacles in the road like that everyday. :roll2:

Maybe because if they do all the crap you say to make it “safe” then the guy could’ve ran and there could’ve been a possible rapist still on the loose. I still say the cop(s) did nothing wrong. At least he left his headlights on.

Also, I don’t think they wanted to slow traffic at all… they pulled over and that was that. They could’ve possibly even had to do a u-turn looking at how the wheels are turned.




all that “crap” I say? pulling off to keep the road safe for motorists is crap? interesting. yeah, at least he left his lights on. he should at LEAST do that if he’s parked in the middle of the road.

I still say that you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about because you weren’t there. it was a very calm situation… there was no running or raping happening. don’t you think if this guy was a wanted sex offender or a murderer, there would be more than one cop there? hopefully.

and what the hell is this ^ all about?
you two lovebirds need to lay off.

And by being there, this makes you familiar with police procedures?

Perhaps you’ve already been trained in them?

Didn’t think so.

:gtfo: :noob:

LOL… this thread makes me laugh.

And yes I had to write down all the letters to figure out “I am an attn whore”

What he posts is his problem. Don’t group us.

You just need to stop whining. You posted these pics obviously looking for someone to respond. I did. I say I’m right and you’re wrong. Let it go.

I borrowed that from someone on some other shithole forum…

I believe it was Julie…

hahahahaaaaa. yeah.

Lol @ “don’t group us”, don’t group yourself…


Cops are people, they don’t have common sense sometimes…

Just like me sometimes…

The cop COULD have pulled over, no problem.

Cop’s main priority is to look after people’s SAFETY.

Parking like that is not safe.

what did the police department say? I’m sure it was a big deal (which is why you posted here) and you went immediatley to the station and showed them how careless this cop was, and that you were so outraged that you posted it up on the net for the world to bash.

eh thats crap…they shouldn’t be parked in oncoming traffic like that…not safe

It was in henrietta… I didn’t go to the police department because I was headed to a wedding reception at mendon ponds. And I wasn’t really outraged about it. We laughed about how stupid the guy was, hoped there wouldn’t be an accident and drove away.

And I didn’t post it up for the world to bash, I actually posted it up for an entertaining story… maybe for people to get a laugh out of. I didn’t expect this debate to break out about if he was actually stupid for parking in the road or not. sheeeeesh.

Sorry, I just didn’t find the cops lack of responsibility amusing.

Guess I looked at it the wrong way.

no need to apologize, I agree with you. I didn’t find the lack of responsibility amusing either.
that’s not what amused me-- it was the stupidity.

…and if this is standard procedure, like some who are defending him say, then that procedure is stupid.


Annoying as fuck isn’t it? :crap: