OPP caught streetracing, undercover car impounded

karma, or just priceless?


Cop charged with street racing
Allegedly doing 165 km/h while on duty

Last Updated: 10th February 2009, 11:28am

Brant County OPP charged an OPP officer and impounded her unmarked cruiser under the province’s street racing legislation.

The OPP announced today that Brant County OPP caught one of its own officers on duty and speeding Jan. 31.

She was driving 165 km/h on Hwy. 403 – the posted speed limit is 100 km/h.

“The subsequent investigation found that the officer was not within the lawful execution of her duties at the time,” the OPP stated in a release.

Det.-Const. Heidi Fischer is charged with driving 50 km/h or more over the posted speed limit, contrary to Section 172 of the Highway Traffic Act.

She’ll be in court March 24.

The officer’s driver’s licence was suspended for seven days and the OPP unmarked cruiser was impounded for 7 days.

Fischer is a four-year member of the OPP posted to Provincial Operations Intelligence Bureau at General Headquarters in Orillia.

Heidi Fischer? Damn Germans think its the Autobahn.

Hmmm… wonder what kind of vehicle this “unmarked cruiser was???”

Funny it was a chick!

I miss the Canadian Autobahn :frowning:

~180 mph

Doesn’t anyone else find it funny that the cop car was impounded for 7 days? Do you think they had it towed too? HAHAHA


Haven’t been to Detroit since that stupid law passed but I know it’s going to take a hell of a lot longer now.


+3. That used to be one of the best parts of driving over there. I topped my old Honda out at about 100 and was left in the dust of the dozen or so people I was following. 20+ over was the usual. She was only going about 100mph- I’m surprised they didn’t let her go since she was a cop.

Priceless, maybe. Let’s see a conviction



so im confused, if you speed there they consider it street racing? they charge her with street racing but all it says in the article is that she was speeding. no mention of a race?

correct a certain amount over is instant racing.

I like the comment that if every OPP officer was held to civilian driving standards they would all be on bicycles. Same goes for cops around here in the WNY area…worst drivers on the road



would you care to explain?

It’s true.

At a red light -> Look both ways and then go.

Don’t want to stop for red light -> Turn on lights and sirens, slow, go, turn off lights and sirens.

Driving somewhere -> Do so at speed limit +25 mph while talking on your cell phone

At a stop sign -> Roll through


i love sitting at 5 corners in west seneca/OP and watching the OP cops come up to the red light, flip on their gum balls and then flick them off as the enter the tim hortons drive thru line for coffee. I have see the same thing at least a half dozen times. As far as I know cops are suppose to obey all the traffic laws that we do, UNLESS they have their lights on and are on a call

So why do they get to speed, change lanes w/o blinks, turn corners w/o blinkers, roll stop signs, tail gate, talk on cell phones, use their computers (i find this very scary when i see a cop typing on a laptop and driving next to me) w/o any reprocutions?

I don’t get it.

It not that hard to understand they have this thing called a badge!! They do not have to be on a call to break traffic laws, if they are in their car they are working, so that red light they go through, maybe they r following up on someone or something that might not be there if they wait. O and the laptop and phone, im sure they are not on facebook. most likely they are running your plates.


Point taken.

actually when i got a ride back to the station by the evans police last summer he was on AIM the whole way back to the station making dinner plans with the guy back at the desk at the station…hardly police related

i fully understand they can break all laws when on a call, but when they are not, they SHOULD be the best drivers on the road, examples to others i’ll call it since they are the police. if they need to break traffic laws to follow someone they should have their lights on. They should not get to drive with no reguard to traffic laws when their lights are not on, it a danger to other ppl on the road as much as anyone else breaking a traffic law.