So I was on my way to work this morning and decided to stop at a tims for coffee when I got out of my car I noticed a cop pull in just after me but just go into the back and park, now as I am pulling out to leave he leaves just infront of me and goes the other way then I do but pulls a u turn right away and start to follow me, next thing I know 3 more catch up with sirens and lights going and they all pull me over. Now at this time I’m like wtf I haven’t done anything, so the cops come up to me and tell me to get out of the car because it is illegal to be driving a rhd vehicle and tell me that the car is going to be impounded and I will be charged, but thank god I had the part of the drivers act to do with rhd vehicles printed out and just showed them that and left. Luckily I got nothing unlike the other guys tims incident, but what is with all this bullshit cops are trying to pull?
You live in York?
my guess would be they have to meet their quota, so they are trying to fuck everyone.
No I live in oshawa, and there is still one of the cops sitting outside my work in the parking lot, looks like he is waiting for me to come back out
go out to his car , and tell him to call his supervisor , to attend , and you want to file a harrassment chagre against him, if you request a supervisor the supervisor has to come to the scene where u are. the officer who is sitting there will have to file a report about why he is there and he will end up getting in shit for waiting for an infraction
^^ thats right!! thats pure bs… tell them to learn the laws they try to enforce!!
Ok so I go out to talk too the cop now and as soon as I start to get near his car he starts it up and just takes off lol. God I hate cops
Dude, that is horrible.
This is the shit I’m talking about.
Some rich guy needs to do something about this crap.
I’m going to talk to my lawyer about it. But I doubt I’ll be able to afford it at all…
True, but sometimes this makes it worse lol. I know. I did it.
Why would cops do this I never have trouble with any cops…some weird shit
lmao, how easy is it to get in the police force these days? a minimum 50% pass on their knowledge test?
you wish! there is alot of work that goes into getting in the force… im in the process of doing so and its not easy at all… paper work, massive BGC, and a ton of testing! All that is done BEFORE you get sent to OPC when your hired and even then you not on the road for at least 6 months!
you live in oshawa where abouts and what do you drive??
DRP is awesome, you guys must be fags
ya well…explain a cop not knowing if RHD cars are legal? guessing they don’t teach thoroughly enough bro.:rolleyes:
i dunno man i get fucked with by Durham cops enough for nothing, everytime i get pulled over i get bullshit questions and have to prove my ebrake works, indicater lights etc… i dont get it, ithink there just bored and they see if they can fuck with u without anything happening who knows
Nab, it’s not boredom. You gotta eat a few donuts and think like a cop. As an officer you are expected to hand out x amount of tickets. If you are consistently getting fewer tickets than everyone else upon review, you won’t be going anywhere. So with that said, it’s all about the path of least resistance. A modified vehicle has a greater probability of having an infraction than a newer car. Let’s be honest, most people do shit work. The officer groups you with them and targets you for an easy ticket. Greater chance of some infraction. Worse case scenario the officer can pull the good ole exhaust ticket trick. Do that every day and life is easy as piss. No real work for those tickets.
Weaves I live right by bloor and wilson and I drive a blue skyline
Weaves I live right by bloor and wilson and I drive a blue skyline