question about cops.....

Absolutely correct. However, I was a kid doing that 20 years ago. I’m now an old man doing that, and it’s my vice. If I’m busted or I die, then it’s my own fault. If I kill someone else, I’ll go to hell. I’ve already got one foot in that door anyhow.
But my only defense is I don’t do it in residential areas. My biggest risk is killing some corn.
But I’m not going to mod the snot out of my car to not enjoy some spirited road driving. All on the correct side of the road, of course. And never where houses are or where I have blind curves that I can’t stay on my side of the road on. And never at the level of what I’d do at a lap day at the track.

My point is… you can still kill someone. Just because you are a good driver doesnt mean everyone else is.

Hitting somone (who is being stupid) at 95 on a back road or 45 on a back road might make a big difference. Its hard to describe on the internet but if you are driving on your side of the road at 95 and a kid being dumb and cant handle his car is driving stupidly on your ide of the road and you guys collide… 45 might be a more reasonable speed. I hope that makes sense.

Roads out by my parents are 55 unless otherwise specified.

be nice friends(although i sorta kinda not really started it)… we’re on-topic

HA! Ill be damned if I ever did such a thing! All they want is money. Quit bothering people driving and go after all the drugs and other shit on the streets

Kilbuck and Ohio Twp do it on Ohio River Blvd also. :rolleyes:

I know where you’re from, and I know what you mean. You have a nice little shithole around you up there and mowtown’s finest don’t do much to stop it.

Funny, in Butler the cops sit on the road behind Sams Club and the movie theater in someones driveway. Turns out to be one of my friends that I never knew where he lived. His family never once gave the police permission to sit there, yet they do it.

put this sign at the end of your driveway

heres a question for you guys, now we have those automated car washes up here attached to gas stations. last night around midnight me and my buddy were driving around see a cop sitting in there facing the road (guess hes clocking?) and again the next day same thing. Is this legal for them to sit there and bust you?

This is at the sunoco on 228 in cranberry.

If he has permission from the store to do so, then yes.

They used to sit at Suburban Insulation on 910 right by the T-pike in Richland, but the owner of the property said no, and they haven’t been there since.

and I have

streets run road. they sit there all the time. get people heading towards brownsville rd from rt 51. id let them sit in my driveway also but im 2 houses up from a stop sign so not much speeding here. just heavy accel. (if thats what you want to call it.)