Speed Traps- are they legal?

Are they legal? I know there was a big thread on DUI traps etc.

  1. are speed traps legal?
  2. Is it legal for police to set up a speed trap in the parking lot of a business during normal business hours?
  3. is there anywhere online that has a police manual in pdf format or something of tha tnature?

the police wouldn’t do anything that isnt legal. Duh!

its technically not a trap…there is no bait to make you speed… they are just observing.

Not sure, but if I remember the law correctly, they have to clock you at 10mph or more over if using VASCAR to ticket you legally.

/somewhat off-topic statement

Where did you get pulled over?

yes its legal…

and yes its legal in a parking lot…

speeding in parking lot where there is predistrian traffic…yes you are screwed

Hell I ebven know of places that have signs posted “Speed trap ahead”.

So I’m guessing legal all the way.

pulled over twice in two weeks? that new car must be a beast!

5 is where its at… gives allocation of speedometer error. ive been pulled over for 6 over.


star boy, does that work?

i’m pretty sure thats pending, if its 4 inches of snow on the ground, then that would be different, i think thats considered “driving too fast for conditions” buddy got pulled for that

speed enforcement, not speed trap :hsugh:

There MAY be a defense in the fact that the parking lot was most likely private property, but even so you would probably need the property owner on your side. Does the parking lot have posted speed limits?

For RADAR it’s 6 over.
For VASCAR it’s 10 over. From the PA vehicle code:

  1. Speed timing devices

(a) Speedometers authorized.–The rate of speed of any vehicle
may be timed on any highway by a police officer using a motor
vehicle equipped with a speedometer. In ascertaining the speed of a
vehicle by the use of a speedometer, the speed shall be timed for a
distance of not less than three-tenths of a mile.

(b) Testing of speedometers.–The department may appoint stations
for testing speedometers and may prescribe regulations as to
the manner in which the test shall be made. Speedometers shall
have been tested for accuracy within a period of 60 days prior to the
alleged violation. A certificate from the station showing that the test
was made, the date of the test and the degree of accuracy of the
speedometer shall be competent and prima facie evidence of those
facts in every proceeding in which a violation of this title is charged.

(c) Mechanical, electrical and electronic devices authorized.–
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the rate of
speed of any vehicle may be timed on any highway by a police
officer using a mechanical or electrical speed timing device.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (3), electronic
devices such as radio-microwave devices (commonly referred to as
electronic speed meters or radar) may be used only by members of
the Pennsylvania State Police.
(3) Electronic devices which calculate speed by measuring
elapsed time between measured road surface points by using two
sensors and devices which measure and calculate the average
speed of a vehicle between any two points may be used by any
Police officer.
(4) No person may be convicted upon evidence obtained through
the use of devices authorized by paragraphs (2) and (3) unless the
speed recorded is six or more miles per hour in excess of the legal
speed limit. Furthermore, no person may be convicted upon
evidence obtained through the use of devices authorized by paragraph
(3) in an area where the legal speed limit is less than 55
miles per hour if the speed recorded is less than ten miles per hour
in excess of the legal speed limit. This paragraph shall not apply
to evidence obtained through the use of devices authorized by
paragraph (3) within a school zone.

(d) Classification, approval and testing of mechanical, electrical
and electronic devices.–The department may, by regulation, classify
specific devices as being mechanical, electrical or electronic. All
mechanical, electrical or electronic devices shall be of a type approved
by the department, which shall appoint stations for calibrating
and testing the devices and may prescribe regulations as to the
manner in which calibrations and tests shall be made. The certification
and calibration of electronic devices under subsection (c)(3)
shall also include the certification and calibration of all equipment
timing strips and other devices which are actually used with the
particular electronic device being certified and calibrated. The de
vices shall have been tested for accuracy within a period of 60 days,
prior to the alleged violation. A certificate from the station showing
that the calibration and test were made within the required period
and that the device was accurate, shall be competent and prima facie
evidence of those facts in every proceeding in which a violation of
this title is charged.

(e) Distance requirements for use of mechanical, electrical and
electronic devices.–Mechanical, electrical or electronic devices may
not be used to time the rate of speed of vehicles within 500 feet after
a speed limit sign indicating a decrease of speed. This limitation on
the use of speed timing devices shall not apply to speed limit signs
indicating school zones, bridge and elevated structure speed limits
hazardous grade speed limits and work zone speed limits.
1976, June 17, P.L. 162, No. 81, § 1, effective July 1, 1977. Amended 1985
July 11, P.L. 204, No. 52, § 3, imd. effective; 1986, March 27, P.L. 71, No.
24, § 2, imd. effective.

Private lots (example the Mall) don’t have PennDot enforced traffic signs. If you blow a stop sign at ross park mall you technically can not be ticketed. I forget the proper term. If you did, it would be thrown out in court.

sorry let me clarify. I wasnt in the parking lot. The COP was in the parking lot clocking people on the main road. I was clocked going up the hill into wexford and then the rest of the cops were sitting at the top in the fire hall lot just picking people off left and right. The cop that was clocking people was sitting at the bottom of the hill in the parking lot of an office complex during normal business hours. I thought it was illegal to do that during business hours.

Smort- thats my first ticket since our trip to indiana… so its been a couple years i guess.

Plead not guilty or pay the fine.

“I thought it was illegal to do that during business hours”
Are you fucking joking ? :rofl:
observation is a 24/7 job :rofl:

no? why would I be. To be quite honest if I owned a business I would not want a cop clocking people from my parking lot during business hours. Its bad for business.

are you fucking retarded? :stick:

Maybe the business owners wanted cops to observe from their location.
Are you fucking naive?