Speed Traps- are they legal?

It sure seems legal to me. The police in Rochester have been doing something similar along Rt 65 for months. They get cars queued up to ticket them!

One officer sets up near the lines on the road, about a mile from where the other cops are situated. He records speed and radios ahead to the other cops waiting. I’ve seen a group of 4 cop cars simply ticketing speeders during morning/evening rush hour.

Legal? Sure

Underhanded? Sure, a little bit

Guilty of speeding regardless? Yep.

Suck it up, plead to a no-points offense, pay the fine, and move on.

Police generally obtain permission from the property owner when setting up a speed observation point. Very few business owners will deny permission. They want to stay on the good side of the local department. I have seen police sit in residential driveways to watch for people blowing through stop signs. I saw a Hampton cop ticket a couple dozen cars in a few hours in a housing plan doing that.

Haha - you fell for that…wasn’t there a HUGE ORANGE “Aggressive Driving Enforcement” sign 200 yards before that?

i can’t believe this thread went 2 pages

man up and pay the fucking ticket. you shouldnt have been speeding

+1, are speed traps legal? not sure, but know what definitely isn’t? Speeding.

Is that to say I don’t speed? No, but I’m not BAWWWWWWWWWWWW if I get pulled over :bigthumb:

2 tone that speed trap has been there forever suprised you didnt know about it they sit on top of the hill by the storage place and clock

no I knew about it but I was in a hurry :surprise:

Your all getting it wrong. I know i was speeding and I plan on going in to get the 5 over no points reduction bla bla bla… i was asking a question in general. I could care less about the fine, ill pay my mccandless dues and continue on my way lol.

really? because you have 5 posts in this thread… so it must not be that unbelievable if its attracted this much of your attention.

Hell I have offered my driveways to cops for the purpose of catching speeder along my road, more times than I can remeber.

i thought about painting my own lines so people dont do 65 up my 25 mph street.

oh yeah! because painted lines pull cars over dont they.

nope but they make people slow down… especially when they are new. my street is a pretty decent hill. i’ve heard people all the way at the bottom hammer it and be close to 90 by the time they pass my house… totally uncalled for in a residential. To many kids around to be doing that.

You admitted you sped, Okay, Just assuring you are functionally retarded.
Enjoy, That fine cupcake…

Oh wait you called me retarded,1st time go around. Weird how things play out :kekegay:

and im sure your a speed limit law abiding citizen to the “T”… okay princess.

I am.

CDL not in a hurry > zipping around in hurry making post accusing police of “traps”

Damn never thought of that.

HIGHLY illegal. I know a guy that got popped for Impersonating a Law Enforcement Official by doing that.

you should get another ticket just for making this thread.

you should dip your head into a bucket of water until you stop breathing:bigthumb:

It doesn’t hurt, especially if your not familiar with the area your in.