f@ck! speed trap

just this morning i was on n/b of brimley and 401 and was caught speeding going 74km on a 50km zone. The good thing is that the ticket says i was speeding at n/b of brimely but did not state the exact location. i mean brimely is a long road and i can be anywhere on brimely. could this be a valid point to fight in court and would they drop the ticket bc of that? What i would say is that i agree i was driving on n/b of brimely but i don’t agree i was in a fifty zone bc it did not give the exact location of where i was speeding. Any help would be apreciated

what the hell is n/b

northbound… I guess ?

First time I ever got pulled over I was going 87 in a 50 and cop lowered it to 55, ftw :slight_smile:

usually, you’re suppose to ask to see the cops radar gun for the exact speed you were going. MOST likely, if they said you were going 55 in a 50 zone, usually they’re bullshitting about you speeding at all. Always ask for them to show you the speed you were going, cause you can refuse to take the ticket in that case.

<Former Police Foundation Student :slight_smile:

But like he was actually lasering, I saw him at the last second, just sitting there lasering, so he probably did have me he wasn’t just like driving by. 87 sounded about right too…

plus if i asked to see it he probably wouldve thought i was a dick and wrot eme up for 87.

I got a speeding ticket on my wedding day :frowning:

i got my 4th speeding ticket last sunday.

luckily for me, 3 of the 4, including the recnt one, have all been lowered so it was only 40 dollar fines each tiome.

one of em really nailed me tho. but that was my first ticket ever, lesson learned.

hey calvin what do you think of my point mr former police foundation student

Go to court, tell him you have no problem with the fine but the insurace will really hurt you in the long run and that would like to have the ticket droped, but you will donate the fine amount to the firemans galla or something along those lines, chairitable donation…something like that. Some friends have tried that and it’s worked.

lack of exact location is not a fatal error;

name, time/date, signature are pretty much the only errors that will cause a ticket to be outright dropped

If the ticket says you were caught doing “X in a 50 zone” it doesn’t need much more of an exact location than that. North bound, on Brimley, in a 50 zone.

Short of saying what you were wearing at the time, it’s pretty much all there.

Doesn’t matter whether you were north or south of Jeb’s Butchery Barn, or 3 miles as the crow flies past Jessop’s Garage, you were in a 50 zone, doing more than 50.

brimley is never more than 50?

but the point is that majority of brimely is a 60 zone so how can they say i was speeding in a 50 zone where they did not state the location. There for i can say i was driving on brimley and 401 which is 60 zone making the info on the ticket invalid. So wouldn’t that make sense? just a thought let me know what you guys think

the judge, 99.5/100 will believe the officer before you, save yourself the trouble and do not lie to the JP.

tru say


the judge, 99.5/100 will believe the officer before you, save yourself the trouble and do not lie to the JP.[/quote]


the judge, 99.5/100 will believe the officer before you, save yourself the trouble and do not lie to the JP.[/quote]

but i’m not lying tho i was on the middle of the bridge right on brimley and 401 when i was clocked… i believe that is a 60 zone but i’m not too sure. i know that after you go down the bridge it’s a 50 zone. I’m not trying to reduce the my fine, i just don’t want it on file so the insurance finds a way to jack my rate by a 100%

so you were doing 74 on a road that is either a maximum of 50 or 60, while this is a vaguery and the ticket <15 over is very different than >15 over, you were still speeding…

the best I could see is you tell the judge where you were and that it was a 60 zone, since the ticket doesn’t specify any more clearly the judge will have to take your admission of guilt and the 60 limit and give you a reduced ticket

or at least that’s my experience, the reason they have 15kph steps is inaccuracy, they know that their gun could be off by 5-10kph, you could try to ask for the calibration date and such things but they will most likely ignore you, at 74 you were still speeding, now if he wrote you up at 90 in an 80 then you could possibly contest it

www.magma/ca~fyst FTMFW

They don’t have to show you the reading. They could have written it down and cleared it already. They don’t have to show you jack.

Dispute the evidence in court by requesting disclosure and discovery.

the only 50 zone on brimely is right pass the 401 bridge, where there are houses and school zone.

yeah that’s exactly what i’m gong to do is to request a disclosure and go from there… hopefully i’ll find some flaws there…

i’ll keep you guys updated thanks for all the help