Got a ticket for doing 80 in a 65... when the cruise was at 70.

Sure, makes sense to me. Worthless, piece of shit cop. I hate cops. I hate them more now than I ever have. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was motoring down 481 south, happily eating a Butterfinger Ice Cream sandwich… when I look in my mirror and see flashing lights. I even looked down to make sure I had my cruise set right. What’s the inaccuracy of those radar guns? I just cannot believe I got pulled over. Anyone ever have the same problem? How can I fight it? It was a NY State Trooper. He gave me an out, if I can provide a receipt for recalibrating my speedometer, he said the judge will probably drop the ticket. I’m a service adviser… I wonder how hard that’ll be?

Anything you can provide would help.

so wait? you were going 5 over, which is speeding, and your pissed because you got pulled over for speeding?

do you have oem size tires on your car? bigger or smaller diameter will throw the speedo off. set the cruise at 65 next time.

I’m pissed because he said I was going 80 and wasn’t going anywhere NEAR 80. I’m running my stock 225/50/16’s.


Read the title sir.

Sooo do as the cop says and get it recalibrated.

I keep thinking that’s a photoshopped picture of your car as your avatar.
then im like oh yeah no he’s the guy with the car that has the retarded smiley face.

If he’s a NYS certified speed expert he could say you were going 100. It’s your word against his. Except he’s the speed expert. Who do you think would win?

Get the receipt. Take it to court. Your stuck playing the game.

I think you just have to suck it up…get it reduced and move on with life.

I got pulled over for 60 in a 40 when I know for a fact I was going maybe 45 tops.

There are battles not worth fighting.

some cops are douches…or maybe this guy just made an honest mistake (or you’re just lying)

pray it’s a younger female judge that you can woo and she’ll reduce it.

I once was pulled over for doing 56 in a 45, I was then, a dickhead to the cop…he came back with a ticket that said 65 in a 45.
He said he “read it wrong” .
I told the prosecutor this and said, “it’s one of three things, you have a dyslexic cop working for your town, OR, you have a dishonest cop who is unprofessional enough to let a 17 yr old get under his skin, OR you have a cop with such bad eye sight he can’t even read his radar unit”

My ticket was reduced to a $50 parking ticket, this was in Orchard Park.

suck it up and pay the fines, i guess today just wasn’t your day.

ny state> you

If you have a clean record, bring it to court with you, and tell the DA or judge that you honestly believe there was a mistake.

If s/he sees that you have a clean driving record, and they can tell you are being honest… they will drop it down to a small fine.

Just plead not guilty and pay the fine. It’s only 15 over. Not too bad, imo.

I got the same thing but was said i was clocked at 92mph when i was clearly doing 66mph.When asked to see the radar gun he said it reset. NYST gave me a correction ticket for my tires because he could see the wear bar start to show.(sorry to say they were just put on that morning and had the slip from work showing them bought 1 hour prior).
just get the correction and be done/pay fine.

last time i payed a ticket for 15 over it cost me almost 400 bucks.

Really? I’ve had 18 over and it cost me $90…

I got a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot when I wasn’t. The game is stacked.

Sister was 22 over and was reduced to $45 fine.

ok if this was the case, you are stretching it with your moral high ground, karter.

hopefully the re-calibrating will help

my uncle use to be a trooper and he explained to me that they don’t need radar because their trained to be one. so technically they can give you a ticket no matter what because you looked like you were speeding… not sure how true that is, be he swears to it

Courts work by evidence, they can say what they want to you, but if you fight it in court, they have to prove it with some type of evidence (radar printout etc…). That being said, you are not completely wrong. Some states, like MA for instance, allow ‘estimated’ speeding tickets, and they use this to their advantage.

Some battles are best left fought by lawyers, and some are not worth fighting at all.