wrong speed.

I know this has been beaten to death. But is there anyway to prove you were not traveling the speed it says on the ticket?

For example. I was driving down South Abbot towards boston. A tropper sitting in the dark at midnight under the 219 overpass flips on his Stalker dual Ka band radar.
I had my cruise set at 52-53 mph (i was tired)
My v1 goes bizerk so I tap the brakes. I would imagine this would knock off maybe 1-2 mph before the radar gets a read out.

He throws his lights on and pulls me over. He claims I was doing 60mph in a 45. Now before anyone says, 53 in a 45 IS SPEEDING, I am no arguing I was not speeding but I am arguing the speed he said I was going. Both my and my passanger told the cop I was NOT doing 60 mph and I asked when the last time his radar was calibrated.

I can’t believe that a radar gun can be this far off! My speedo is not off. (it’s a brand new car)
Is there anyway I can request to see when his radar was calibrated?

Like I said earlier, please don’t turn this into a “just shut up and pay it” thread because I know I was speeding but 7-8 over is a big difference to 15 over.
I even told the officer that either he is lying or his radar is off in which he replied " It may be off but i’m not going to argue with you, argue with the judge"

arguing with cops is a really bad idea and telling them he’s lying is even worse, even if you know he’s wrong. I would ask a lawyer for assistance. it may cost you 2 or 300 bucks but it would be worthwhile to have them with you in court to argue your case.

go to court… wear a suit… be polite… plead your case with the DA… explain that your a student. etc etc… “BE POLITE” dont argue… … yes sir… no sir. mam… your honor… etc etc.

never argue… esp. when pulled over…

if you get a lawyer… it may or may not help… for 15 over… i wouldnt bother… unless this isnt your first ticket. what area was this written in? OP?


go to court… wear a suit… be polite… plead your case with the DA… explain that your a student. etc etc… “BE POLITE” dont argue… … yes sir… no sir. mam… your honor… etc etc.

never argue… esp. when pulled over…

if you get a lawyer… it may or may not help… for 15 over… i wouldnt bother… unless this isnt your first ticket. what area was this written in? OP?


Boston. It’s really not the price of the ticket or anything…15 over will net be about $100. It’s more the fact that I received a ticket for something OVER what I was doing that bothers me

You’re not going to prove you were going X speed you say you were. They’ll say your speedometer wasn’t calibrated like the PDs units are, your tire pressure may have been off, etc. etc. which caused it to read wrong.

In the end…your speedo really may be off…

I have to agree. Never tell a cop you think he’s lying. That could have got you into a lot more trouble.

just go to court and talk to the DA… they will knock the ticket down for you anyway.
Jerkoff or not on the cops part is not worth pursuing


go to court… wear a suit… be polite… plead your case with the DA… explain that your a student. etc etc… “BE POLITE” dont argue… … yes sir… no sir. mam… your honor… etc etc.

never argue… esp. when pulled over…

if you get a lawyer… it may or may not help… for 15 over… i wouldnt bother… unless this isnt your first ticket. what area was this written in? OP?


Truth. I have never had a ticket because of this. I have been pulled over doing some crazy shit and always let go and those are my exact lines.

BLAST! my post really didnt answer anything you asked so i would like to say that i have no clue how to go about proving that you werent doing 60. I also wouldnt advise going there and trying to prove it. It would go better if you use the above advice.

17x since january… and i have received not one moving violation… and 80% of the times i was pulled over, out of the 17… were legit reasons to ticket me… the only tickets i got were tint, and no insurance card in the vehicle… both were dropped.

its a matter of being polite and respectful. /story

theres a book i read… ill look for it… worth the 12 bucks

http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780380807581&itm=9 read it… best 12 bucks i ever spent… if it works ONCE… it paid for itself x 10

I always am very polite when I get pulled over when I do something wrong… I guess I was aggitated because he told me I was doing 8mph over what I actually was doing.

It’s just wierd that he got me at an even 60mph I mean why not 57 or 56 or something.

also… I got a front plate ticket… can i put my front plate on…and take a picture of it along with a date and show the DA will this be enough for it to be dropped?

do something for someone important. me and my brother did some plumbing for a higher up family judge, young black guy, my brother mentioned he got a ticket, didnt show up for court cause he couldnt find courthouse and the judge said to call him tommorrow and he would take care of it (most likely by communicating with the officer that pulled him over) any judge > any traffic cop

seriously it just all depends, this year alone I’ve had 10 tickets for random shit, including two misdemeanors. Sometimes you get off, sometimes you don’t. It really doesn’t make sense.

Go to court, be short and sweet and see what you get. Lawyers are a 50/50 shot for improving the outcome.

Go to court and accept you parking ticket, don’t fight it, just plea not guilty and take your parking ticket.

Yep, just go to court. No way to prove anything, but it’ll get plea bargained to parking tix and/or school anyhow. Talk to the DA about how you had your cruise set lower and hopefully you’ll just get parking tickets and no school.

I’m pretty sure the no-front-plate thing is a fix-it ticket.

I’d bet that your speedo is off. My suby was off by 8% from the factory. That sucks man, when you know you deserve it that’s one thing, but when you know you are innocent, the principal is hard to deny. Good luck.

Front plate is not a “fix it ticket” It is an equipment law, not failed equipment (light bulb)…so unless you try to say that it fell off/ripped off you just have to pay for it…

Does anyone know the real actual stated law on front plates in NYS? Is there a noted area / height it needs to be mounted at? Thanks

exactly what everyone else said about the speedo, shit i have 3 sets of wheels for my car and NONE of them match what was calibrated at the factory… you should compare with GPS its pretty shocking especially over 60…



I’d bet that your speedo is off. My suby was off by 8% from the factory. That sucks man, when you know you deserve it that’s one thing, but when you know you are innocent, the principal is hard to deny. Good luck.


I ALWAYS test my spedo agianst my GPS and on-road speed detectors (like work zones ect.) My speedo reads 1-2 mph high.

So in that case now that I think about it my cruise set at 53…real life speed would be 51.

Eitherway. I’m not arguing that I wasn’t speeding but it just sucks my speed was inflated that much so this danm rookie cop could meet quota for the end of the month.

Also, with the front plate, I’m just going to claim that the dealership had no more PLASTIC front screws and I refused metal ones because they rust.
Hopfully it goes over.


Also, with the front plate, I’m just going to claim that the dealership had no more PLASTIC front screws and I refused metal ones because they rust.
Hopfully it goes over.


im almost positive that you can take your car to a cop 48 hours after you get your ticket and he will drop the ticket, only if you put your front plate on. theres no need to make excuses, just fix it man.