Got charged speeding that i didn't commit! what will you do?

iam sure alot of you here have harrassed by prick cops before and heres my story and i want your advise. sorry for the long read but please have a look if you have time.

back in sept, 09 got pulled over at around 11pm, i was with my gf in the car going to her house to drop off somthing and head back to my place.

so i was travelling south on leslie and one lights north of greenlane just south of the 407, i know there are always cops hiding in that intersection so i don’t go over the speed limited everytime i pass there. anyway, as i drove pass 407 i already see a cop pulled over a car with the lights on and everything, i just drove pass it and didn’t care much as he was on the northbound lanes.

about 30mins later, i dropped off the stuff at the gf’s and heading back to my place with her in the car taking the same route. i obviously know or expect that cop is still there so i just drive at the speed limit maybe 5km over? as i approach intersection, probably about few hundred meters, i’ve already spotted that same cop is still there with all the lights off parked and waiting. i pay no attention just driving the speed limited but i told my gf that i will still get pulled over, she didn’t believe why but next thing i know cops pulls out and lights on and pulls me over.

i already have my papers ready before he walks to my window. this cocky mofo walks up and ask the following with some kind of attitude like he caught bin ladin or something.

Cop: do you know how fast were you going?
me: the speed limit, i didn’t speed
cop: didn’t responed and just ask for my papers

waited like 20 mins, chit chatting with my gf and tell her, do you want to bet this prick will just write me a bunch of BS tickets. she didn’t believe, she is the type that thinks all cops are good and won’t do such pointness things if you didn’t do anything wrong and i told her to just watch.

after the long wait, this prick gave me 2 tickets. the first one is speeding (yes… WTF??) at this point iam getting very pissed but i won’t do anything stupid to tick off the guy becasue who knows what he’ll do to fuck you over even more.

Cop: i caught you speeding
me: WHAT?? speeding?? i was doing the limite!
me: what did you clocked me???
cop: clocked you doing 85 and i have reduced to 74 on the ticket (the gayest trick he can pull)
me: WHAT?! 85??? hell no i didn’t go that fast! that can’t be, show me the reading of the radar (obviously he won’t coz he don’t have to)
cop: i won’t show it to you as i don’t have to
me: will that radar be there as court evidence? (i know it won’t be but i just ask so that he knows iam taking this shit to court)
cop: (to my surprise) yes, it’ll be court evidence (which is false, the cop himself is all the evidence as far as i know)
cop: heres your second ticket.
cop: you have failed to sign the ownership copy in ink
me: (thinking to myself, who the fark give out these kind of weak ass tickets and we are both very pissed off at this moment)
me: i’ll see you in court!

i got my court date set becasue in hell i would just pay for somthing i didn’t do! who knows how many times this prick did the same to others. the court date is Jan 13 which is coming up soon.

now i want to know how should i fight both tickets? what will you do if you were me? any of you had similar experience?

when you think about it, cops can just do whatever they want. cops here are given too much power and we have no where to complain, even if we complain, no one will actually do anything to them. :frowning:

anyway, any helpful advise is appreciated

Request training certificates, calibration records for the radar, request disclosure of evidence, and sign the ownership on the bottom. The MTO is supposed to make you sign the ownership in front of them, and run it through, sticker it on the back, and hand it back to you. It may be too late to get disclosure, you need to see his evidence.

Also never tell him you are taking it to court. You got nailed for one reason: a young kid on the road on a slow night.

Just do what always works. Tell them the truth. Tell them what you told us and you’ll be good. Your word is better then you think. Don’t be intimidated and don’t lose your cool…its not professional. You don’t have much to worry about. Most of the time they don’t even show up anyways.

i got the same thing kinda… i got speeding 55km in a 50 zone… yup you heard me.
and Television visible to driver… my dvd screen was up on the radio screen just playing radio… (just radio)

i went to court the officer was there… they called him up…it went something like this…

cop: your worship i have no evidence against both charges"
worship: Both charges are withdrawn, next.

as for disclosure its too late now…however you may be able to get an adjournment… and then get the disclosure…

…say you request disclosure and set trial to a later date.

When i went i saw so many cases before mine begin dismissed because there was no evidence or no cop present. about 8 or 9 in total before mine. Only one guy had to pay a reduced ticket because he actually pleaded guilty himself.

Yes, requesting an adjournment would be the best move, and for disclosure purposes is pretty legit. I would get on that asap. The officer clocked you doing “85” in a 60? 16 and over is when the demerit points kick in. I find it strange ithat he hit you hit you up with a 14km over ticket. Actually there’s nothing strange at all about it because he is full of shit.

sorry for thread jack, but quick question, when you go to court representing yourself. Do you need to pay a lawyer or court fees? or do you just set up a court date and then just show up and tell your side of the story?

No need to pay a lawyer if you are representing yourself. You just go to the courthouse and setup a date to appeAr I believe. I have summons, so I don’t think my stuff will so easily be dismissed. My day in court is very soon. This asshole has cost me a lot to defend myself, so I really can’t wait until I get my day.

wow… cant belive you guys go your self to fight a ticket…

i usually just call up forch from redline (dufferin and king)

It would cost me 900-2000 to have someone defend me for my current charges that I could easily defend myself.

but still… i dont like talking to the judge at all… so… yeah~ :smiley:

glw your court dou :smiley:

you sure it would cost 900-2000 for those tickets? i paid 300 for my last ticket which was 3 demerit points and my current one is also 3 demerit points and $490 ticket lawyer wants another 300 to fight it x copper in hamilton

yea man u can prolly get the speeding lowered if not thrown out entirely and just sign your ownership in pen and present it the crown should throw it out on spot.

Make sure you fill out the paperwork that shows you intend to fight it, they’ll tell you when to come back if it can not be sorted that day and bam, you’ll have a meeting with the crown.

I gotta ticket for doing 60 in a 50 and the crown didn’t even make me explain it just through it out on spot, just tell the truth, every crown i’ve talked to in traffic court has been reasonable even if the officer giving the ticket wasn’t.

Hope it works out meng, peace

Give em hell and fight it burn them a hole in the chest with the law as best as u can. I get fed up of this bullshit even though Ive only had one bullshit ticket like this it still pisses me off.

They are asshats out to make money.

ive had around 6-8 speeding tickets and i fight them all my self its not hard to get a ticket at least reduced…

fuck x-coppers… i paid them 750$ to fight my 200km/h in a 100zone… basterds got it lowered by 20km/h to 180 and they called it a win so i had to pay!!! basterdssss i couldve done better myself!!! so 750 plus 750 in conviction fines plus 6 demerit points added to the 3 i already had!! mother fucks screwed me!

yea x coppers fucked me too, being ex cops, i think their allegiance is more so to the cops that give us these bs tickets then the customers.

Same^^ They got the ticket reduced for me (which the cop told me it would be reduced automatically anyways), but what I didnt realise until after the fact is that the cop didnt even show up. I would have had it dismissed completely if it wasnt for those dumb fuckers.

Ex-coppers aren’t even ex-cops, just paralegals in name. I met a few different people to get an idea of how to defend myself. The ex-copper vguy talked about working out a deal, and I was like “wish”. He said that’d be worse case scenario which was pretty rough. I called up my insurance company and found out insurance was 100% behind my back, with support. All I need to do is talk with my insurance company-which I did-and let’s just say the ball is rolling and I am up at 5:30 to get things started. I am going to meet with the crown today and I hope they throw out the ticket. It’s a heavy one, but my insurance has my back 100%, so they would be idiots to try a nd proceed ahead with the ticket. I hope the crown is reasonable and doesn’t have me waste any more time.