SPEED TRAP!! watch out guys.

Maybe once a year, the time comes where I just KNOW that it’s time for me to get a speeding ticket. Why? Because I get away from a couple of them, or sometimes people had JUST been pulled over where I was going way over the speed limit. So, my time is just around the corner.

Today, I got f*cked. Across from my school (Robert Morris University in Moon), there is a Burger King. I get on the main road, and cross Burger King. A hundred feet later, I see two cop cars. Shit. But wait, I didn’t do anything wrong did I? A couple seconds later, one of the cops comes after me and pulls me over. He asks me if I knew why I was being pulled over and I told him honestly, “Truthfully officer, I have no idea.” He said they have a speed trap going on. A cop sits in the Burger King and times people with a “certified” stopwatch, going from one line to another (kind of like VASCAR). They said I was doing 53 in a 40. $131.

Man, today was a crappy day yet good. Me and this girl from school (with a Jetta GLI) were messing around on 60. Then on campus she smiled at me :wink: But the ticket really brought me down today…LOL

Should I fight this? Maybe I have a chance at getting out of it with no points. I should hope so. license + points = bad

that sucks!!!

yea fight it and just say that you dont want the points. maybe try for a 45 in a 40

theres a statistic out there something like

40% of people that get tickets fight them

90% of the people that fight them get it reduced in some way or form

Originally posted by Jajo

Man, today was a crappy day yet good. Me and this girl from school (with a Jetta GLI) were messing around on 60. Then on campus she smiled at me :wink:

gee maybe you can talk together at the Malt Shop Greg Brady :tounge:
always fight VASCAR, you never know

rookee, if I could only be so lucky to talk with her!

Yeah, I think I’ll fight it. Hopefully it’ll get reduced. I’m so damn stupid though. I need to stop driving like an animal

fight it…my boss in the reserves is a state trooper and he told me ways to get out of the ticket…if you want i can ask him about it if you are going to fight it

yeah take it to trnkula SP? in cory, If that old lady is still JOP.

she lowered all 4 of my fines back in the day :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

did you get busted for a seat belt violation also? Moon loves people w/o seatbelts :rolleyes: 2 warnings and i still haven’t learned:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

no reason not to fight it, cant hurt

Shaggy, what’s trnkula SP?

slowcamaro, thanks :slight_smile: I may have to PM you soon :slight_smile:

The Magistrate for cory/moon I think she’s still there.

Well if she’s that nice, I hope she’s the judge. The court is at 5th Avenue in Coraopolis.

yeah i had that judge in cory too shes a pretty decent lady droped mine to 35 in a 15 instead of 45 and only 3 pts not 6 lol they got me at the hoday inn comming over the mood h/s hill toward eat n park.I got the stop watch thing too :frowning: it was updated and rechecked that morning GO FIG :frowning:

Moon cops are such dicks… they pulled me over for having my fog lights on…

I better watch my speed, thats my way to work. good luck

As a bare minimum you should fight ever ticket you get.

fuck poolice…
fight that shit man…
doesn’t hurt at all…
and you might get outa it

hell maybe you’ll even get lucky and he wont show

IDK if that no show stuff works. i went to court for a 56 in a 35 and he didnt show but all i did was talk with the judge and he reduced the ticket to a 40 in a 34

i thought if they didnt show it got thrown out?

Ahh the Moon Police…yeah they suck hard core…they followed me for a good three miles the other day…even though I was obeying the limits. But Jae, dude weve known that cops sit there on that road all the time, you gotta be careful. Oh yeah, and your talking bout the chica with the Gray GLI with the wing right? Yeah shes hot! :slight_smile:

wear a tie
don’t go in all spazzed up-you’ll lose
keep your story the exact thing you told the cops
you might get lucky